I just saw this on ebay. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Toyota-Priu...580978705QQrdZ1 I guess that means I can sell my package 9 for about 45,000. Oh well, to each his own. If someone is willing to pay that much then so be it . Just thought it was funny.
oooh let's see wood grain, tinted windows, custom tape stripes, mudguards, carpet floor mats, cargo mat and <gasp> leather! omg, so it IS fully loaded and a great deal. <end sarcasm>
I totally agree, but this seller must not realize that other Prii that fall into a more "fully loaded" category are going for 25K Not to offend anyone, but IMO, that fake wood trim looks like crap!
Oh, I agree about this Prius being, "fully loaded." I would hope that anyone buying one would shop around eBay first.
This Prius only has 15 miles on it... So he was planning on doing this from the beginning. I think the fake wood interior looks like puke heh.
its a basic Prius?? or is it? pak 1 doesnt have curtain airbags. it does state that in part of the add. not a bad deal. only a $6500 markup
Oh, the seller knows that all too well. Fred Haas Toyota is a dealer in the Houston area. Ads and markup like this make me glad I didn't choose that dealership when I bought mine. Sure, buyer beware... supply/demand... but this is a little over the top.
And the leather doesn't look like it's perforated - Even here in Massachusetts, I opted for the perferated leather - at least it will help keep it a bit cooler.