I have the IV, with navigation. My most recent sound is from the cd player. If you open up the navigation (like your going to load a cd) it's even louder. It sounds like like a computer hard drive searching and writing data, and goes on for about 10 minutes (or longer, my patience doesn't last too long). Maybe the navigation system is uploading a database or something. No CD's vs. loading a cd do not make a difference, and the audio system is off. Weird. Only way to hear it is on a quiet night, in EV mode. Reminds me of when I used to reformat a harddrive on my old computer. Has anyone else heard this noise. I'll continue to listen for it when I pull up to a stoplight.
No, there's not any uploading going on -- there's nothing to upload and nowhere to upload it. It's the Nav system reading the DVD that has all the map info.
took it in for service this morning. They just called. They heard the noise, constant searching clicks etc. so they took the nav unit out and it was full of dust (car is only 1 month old, with leather,so go figure where the dust came from). Blew out the dust. Unit runs fine now. No more annoying clicks. Funny, I thought a leaf was stuck in my a/c blower at first. Back to the enjoyment of leaving home and returning in "stealth mode".
Okay. That was premature of me. DVD Nav still clicking away. I went back to the dealer, told him it was still doing it, and they've ordered a new dvd for the nav system. To settle my mind, I went over to the new car lot and had the rep sit in my car and listen, then we went over to a new car, and sat in it and enjoyed the peace and quiet. Confirmed! I thought I was losing my mind, but the rep said "there's definitely something screwed up with your nav". Dealer will send the old dvd player to Toyota for their pile. Once the parts in, and installed, I'll follow up. Sorry for the earlier excitment. I should have known better than to believe the call from service of "lots of dust removed, it works fine now".
I also have a IV with navigation. Funny that you should mention the "clicking" problem with the nav dvd. My husband and I were driving home last night and both of us noticed the same thing. It's exactly as you described - sounds like a hard drive reading data. The nav or audio system were both off at the time. I am getting ready to buy the 10.1 dvd update, so I might wait until after the purchase to see if there is still any unusual noise.
good grief! Still at it. New dvd player installed. Still does the same thing. Dealer opened a "file" with Toyota. Now I have to wait for Toyota to respond to them.
They all make that noise, it is the map data being read of the disk... I personally wouldn't have them keep taking my dash apart as often times, the dealer just makes problems worse and there is nothing they can do since they all do that...
Agreed! (on both points) All DVD based NAVI units make some noise. The problems with the Prius are: 1. Less sound deadening/thinner materials to lessen weight, so less noise suppression. 2. The lack of engine noise when car is stopped or running on battery power. These factors make the noise much more obvious. My 2003 Lincoln LS and 2007 Lincoln MKZ would also make the same tracking sounds, and were audible when the car was stopped and the engine off. It may be annoying to some, but it is (in my experience) normal. A totally "quiet" unit would/should be the exception.
I must be too stupid for this site. Sorry, my navigation is perfectly fine clicking away. For the few other that have these units, your units are fine too, but when you ride in another one, or two, or twelve, and don't hear all the racket, it's because you are imagining things, because they all do this. Geesh. Come on guys. Have some faith in your posters! Later.
CWayne, Try something for me. The next time you're hearing the noise, please hit the OFF button on the climate control and let me know if it goes away.
Nope, it's in the head unit. Open up your nav like you were going to insert cd's into the changer. There are two slots, one for the cd's and another slot where the nav dvd goes.
Sorry ChrisJ, but the dealer fixed it yesterday, with a new Nav system, and I didn't read your post till today. Hopefully I won't have to try your suggestion in the future, as I've heard all the Nav chatter I want to for a while. The new unit clicks for about 3-4 seconds, then all is quiet. they also threw in the new version nav disc Okay, on with life!