I had my first flat at 1600 miles , these tires are cheap they have a 1 ply side wall and a 3 ply outer. My advice to all of Newbies is to go shortly after you get your car to a Discount tire and pay them for the road hazard warranty! on these new tires. because the first nail in your new tire will cost you $120.00 for one tire so if you want to be ahead of Toyotas CHEAP Goodyear tires SPEND the $60.00 for road hazard and when they repace a tire the new one has a 80k mile rating and is a better tire. Having read that some of the owners are adding up to 8 more lbs to what the door sticker tells you to put in these CHEAP tires is very scary knowing the rating on these factory tires. Immediately I put my tires to only 2 more pounds of air and my nice ride came back.
Better yet, have the tire dealer take the GYs off and put on a set of good tires. You should try to find Low Rolling Resistance (LRR) tires, but most tire guys will say "huh" to that question. The best I have found were the Michelin MXV4+ (no longer available in our size, but the Primacy MXV4 may be OK) and several of the Nokian (Made in Findland) tire models (The WR and WRg2 are all-weather that are great in snow, the i3 is a summer only tire). I bought my Nokian WRs through: Nokian Tires - Winter Tires, Snow Tires and much more from the Tire Factory And had them installed locally as they are not widely available in the US. I only buy H-rated tires (Higher ratings are probably a waste of money for a Prius) as they are much stronger than S or T rated tires (The Integrity is S-rated). I have 125,00 miles on my 2004 Prius so enjoy your new car. JeffD
$120 .... really? Here are the stock tires for $67. They also offer a road hazard program for $32.16 for all 4 tires: http://www.tirerack.com/tires/tires...ed_rating=Y&speed_rating=(Y)&minSpeedRating=S Why are all your prices twice as much? ... Brad
120 bucks for a new Integrity??? Where the heck are you getting that price? You can get 2 Integrity tires for $120!
I'm on my second set of Integrities and they are doing well at 50/48 psi. 93,000 on the car, although I put snow on in the winter. I may have had one flat since we got the car, but I'm not exactly remembering. I think Jesus would keep the originals and bump them up to at least the sidewall stated max. PA P
There is nothing wrong with the Goodyear Integrity tires. Yes, there are better tires. But the Integrities are very good tires. I have gotten over 45000 miles on three different sets on Prius's and Lexus's with much tread left when replaced. Any tire will go flat with a nail in it. And any tire will wear improperly with bad alignment.
Ditto that. I have seen no data showing that other tires allow better fuel economy. One should at least use up the life of the OEM tires before replacing them.
The MXV4+ tires are LRR, where the Goodyear tires are not. The LRR tires should give a little better mileage, but it's so close that I can't tell. I know my mileage didn't get any worse when I switched the the MXV4+ tires. I gave my OEM tires away to another Prius owner. They live in a warm dry client, where the deficiencies of the OEM tires are not so much of a handicap. Tom
It's good to hear you haven't lost any mileage with the MXV4+. It seems like everyone that runs anything other than the Integrities lost a bit of mileage... good to hear there's a tire (in your experience) alternative that doesn't affect mileage. I think you nailed it on your last sentence. I keep seeing threads about how crappy the Integrities are. I've been running the Integrities for the 8 months I've owned my Prius and have never had a problem with them. I've never once said to myself, "if I only had better tires..." At this rate when I need new tires I'm planning on putting Integrities back on. I do live in the Phoenix area though and many from this forum (yourself included) live up North. I'd imagine I'd be singing a different tune if I lived anywhere but the Southern part of the country. Mike
The tire allown was 99.00 road hazard 15.00 Taxes and oppurtunity knocks at Discount tire. Thank You for Your other prices
If you read through years of PC history, you find that Integritys often disapoint their Prius owners ... to the tune of about 3 dissatisfieds to every one person who likes them. Ours too, were shot by 12K miles. Our Michelins (now well over 70K miles) don't even look worn yet. Running 50lbs too. No problems. btw our Lexus hybrid BadYears were also shot in record time. Same swithch to Michelins, same happy results.
The Bridgestone's on my touring are just about shot at 33k miles. I do agree with all that the OEM tires are junk. However, that's true of most cars. If you go with runflats, definitely get the tire warranty as runflats can't be repaired. (The 16's that go on the touring are a PITA to find in stock here in Austin despite being used on the Mini Cooper as well.)
Over 65,000 on my OEM goodyears, 40/38 tp. I rotate about 10,000 miles. I had a nail hole flat at about 12,000 miles, and had it patched from the inside. No other problems. I'll probably go for costco Micheleins. My wife's outback has over 70,000 on her Costco Micheleins, and they still look good. I am one to drive the tires as long as I can, and see no real problems with the OEMs. Any tire, any time can get a flat. That's why they make air!
i'm at 30k miles on the Touring's Turanzas and no problems yet... in fact, i checked the wear the other day and it looks like they are just getting into the "sweet spot" where they are worn enough to give better mileage but enough tread to still handle like a dream. i'll probably get some nokians in a year or two when there's another 30-45k miles on 'em
I don't notice a measurable difference between the Goodyear TripleTreds on my '04 compared to my wife's '06 running on the Integrities. My lifetime mileage is higher, but that is primarily because she has more short trips. She also doesn't use CC on the Interstate and I do so even though we seem to get the same mileage on a given long Interstate route there is that difference. My Integrities are in the garage with maybe 5K miles on them. I replaced them with the TTs the first winter and ran those for 3 years. Got Hakka RSi for last winter, saving the TTs with ~60K miles on them for a few more years of 'summer' driving. When they go, I guess I'll have to wear out the Integrities.
I have a 2008 pax 6 with almost 30k on it. I am in need of tires and am confused with all the tires offered. What is the best tire to get with out making my mileage worse... I would rather it get better! Thanks
I am very happy with my Goodyear Assurance Fuel Max that I put on almost 10,000 miles ago. They are quieter than the Integrities and the mpg is at least as good. They have a 51 psi sidewall maximum rating, so you can run them a bit higher psi than the Integrities if you choose. PA P
I haven't had any issues with mine and I have put on 42 k since Jan 08. I'm doing the research, but I'm not sure the more expensive tire is going to matter to me being just north of Los Angeles. Our only "weather" is rain for about a month in January. Still happy with yours? I'm getting new tires in the next couple of days.