Hi there - As I approach my driveway - at night - I have to "hunt" for the flush mounted garage door button as they are neither illuminated nor do they possess the raised "dots" that indicate the 1st, 2nd or 3rd homelink buttons. I have a side entry garage which makes taking my eyes off of the driveway to hunt for the correct button not so appealing. Have any of you found a cleaver way to find the correct button in the dark? .... yes, as you read this it's seemingly insignificant -- until *you* are the one trying to find it and there is no light to help out in your search.
It's easy enough to notice the green light, so program the 3rd homelink button and hit that as it's to the right of the green light and smack dap in the center of the rear view mirror.
I programming the left hand button and had the same problem initially but it didn't take long to get used to it and it's subconscious now. I think that I may aim left and slide my hand right till I feel the first button but I'll have to check next time I use it at night.
i stuck one of those kitchen cabinet door bumpers on it so i can find it easily and press the bumper itself. it's clear plastic/rubber so not too obvious in the daytime and they come right off if you don't want it anymore. hardware store or home depot etc.
Ya, it's dark up there. I did the same as 32Kcolors. Just aim for the pilot light, bingo. I wonder if you could program all three buttons to the same opener? That would simplify things.
rpeek2 - you *can* program the buttons all to the same door - homelink doesn't care - but I have tow doors that I need to be able to open.
That's a good idea bisco. I've also been researching optional GDO's that may fit the Prius - like the one on the Sienna which HAS lighted buttons.