Welcome...and you are not alone in making the switch. I went from a 2000 BMW 528I to a Prius III and upgraded to leather seats. I already have a navigation system that is portable. While I didn't do the drastic color of Barcelona Red...I did go with the Dark Winter Gray and she looks amazing with her tinted windows and I am working on the side panels and mud flaps next. I am sure you will come to like it but as people ride with you and you enjoy the increased MPGs they will stop shaking their heads and realize that this little car (oops) really has a lot to offer. :welcome:
Yeah. I really did. The hit was a hit, but it could've been worse. No sense beating myself up over it. And I love my Prius, so I think it was worth the lesson learned.
You're right: People are impressed once they join me for a ride. It's been a terrific car so far; truly love every moment I'm in it—which I could not say about the BMW.