Hi all; I'm being transfered to Germany with the Army and the Army will ship my Prius for me. I have been in touch with Toyota Germany and have been told that there are no Map DVD's for Germany or Europe and if there were, they wouldn't work in Europe as European Prius' are different then those made for the North American market. Question to all you Knowledgeabe Prius People: Are there comercially available GPS DVD's that cover Europe that would would work in a North American model 2004 Prius? I'm thinking Garmin, National Geographic or other system?
You need a in car computer with GPS/MP3 & DVD abilities! Be safe over there, shoot first ask friend or foe second... don't get abducted. Viro
I'm a bit surprised to read that there's no DVD covering Germany. My new Prius bought in the UK was supplied with a European DVD version 2 (2004-5). This is divided into regions and these include one for France and one for Germany. What's more, when you switch on the voice guidance in the UK you can choose whether it's in German or English. Next time I'm in the car I'll try entering an address in Germany and see if it finds a route. Watch this space!
I've checked my UK Prius Nav system with an address in Germany (in a town called Leer) from my home in the UK and it instantly gave me a clear route to Leer through the Channel tunnel. I probably won't try this route but I assume it would work just as well for most countries in Europe.
Actually, Germany, Austria and Switzerland seem to have, among all other countries in Europe, the best coverage on the Map DVD (yes, THERE IS A DVD FOR EUROPE). I've been (from Switzerland) to Germany, France and Spain with my Prius. In Germany and France, the NAV even shows 3D representations of the highway to inform about exits. The system also pronounces the names of the exits or towns in the right language (i.e. French cities are pronounced in French, German Towns in German and Spanish names are all pronounced in Spanish, despite the language you choose for guidance). I hope this helps, Abraham