1.What do you guys use to clean the plastic material on the dashboard of the Prius? It looks like a lint trap to me, so I am thinking a microfiber cloth, but what kind of cleaner? 2. Has anyone used 3M Scotch Guard on their cloth interior? I know the dealer wants to sell me the expensive soil sealer, but I've used Scotch Guard in the past. On one care--a Chevy--I noticed that the Scotch Guard seemed to cause the seats to sweat more and they didn't seem to breathe as well. 3. How long after purchase did you put your first wax job on your Prius? 4. What is the best wide angle (Fisheye) mirror for the driver's side outside mirror? 5. Do you ever "wipe" off the display lens on the dash? I've worried about scratching the lenses or covers on the gauges of my previous cars, so I've used a feather duster or make-up brush. Thanks! Fred
1. I use Armorall or something like it for the plastic dash, but I wish I wish my arm was a foot longer so I could reach the whole thing! 2. I used a fabric protector like Scotchguard, but only on the areas I couldn't cover with a seatcover or other material. That stuff is expensive and a lot of work-especially if you do it every 3 mos. like they recommend Also, I found it very difficult to apply without getting it on the plastic and having to wipe it off, quickly in case it would leave a stain. 3. I waxed mine a month after I got the car, because I was told they don't wax them after painting--not sure I believe that. It was SUCH a hard job, though, that I think I'll let a professional do it again in 6 mos--that's the recommended time, twice a year. Of course, I'm 52 yrs. old, if you're 20-30, it's probably no big deal. 4. don't know about that one 5. Yeah, I'd be worried about scratching too, would use something very soft, & damp not dry.
1. I found microfiber to cause too much static on the dash, so have been using a terry cloth 100% cotton towel to dust it. If it comes to having to clean it (only needed to once in the last year+), Turtle Wax Ice Total Interior Care has worked well. No spots, no shine, no residue. 2. Any protectant you put on will affect the breathability. Scotchguard has always worked for me, and is most likely what the dealer is using. Even the dealer is using something different, it's something you can buy at the local auto parts store for 1/20th of what the dealer will charge. Since you know what Scotchguard is, you have at least the same experience level of the "expert" at the dealer. 3. I waxed mine the next day. 4. Just a small one is fine. I adjust my mirrors so I don't see the body of the car until my head is well-turned to the side I'm looking -- I've never missed someone in my blind spot, and never needed a fisheye using this technique. 5. I use a LCD screen cleaner (non-alcoholic), and it works great and is definitely safe for the screen.
Thanks for the tips! I like Maguires wax, but there is a dynamite wax/cleaner and sealer system that Harrington (sp?) Catologue sells. I want to say it is German. The first step is very easy, but the wax step can be tough the first time. However, I used it on a Subaru and never had to put a front-end cover on the car. I only had one or two touch ups over 5 years of ownership. Yes, the waxing it a tough job after one turns 30! LOL I almost thought of looking into a Dash Mat for the Prius, but I bet it would be a tough one to install and have it look right. I've had mixed results with the Dash Mats, but they are very easy to clean and take care of when installed/fitted right. I'm going to look into the duster! I'm glad that I am not the only one who notices the difference Scotch Guard makes in seat cloth and the breathability of the material. Overall, this is a great car. I surprised my salesman today. I think he is waiting for me to have buyer's remorse. Ok, the stereo could be better--but, I shouldn't be cranking tunes at my age and ruining what hearing I have left!