I am just curious. Does anyone know is Prius available in United Arab Emirates or in Saudi Arabia? -Heikki
Prius is not available in UAE and I don`t understand Saudi pages. Has anyone really seen Prius in UAE or in Saudi Arabia?
I thought I saw some earlier Classic ones in August this year But I reckon that as they don't have much of a gas 'problem' you wouldn't expect to see very many........
I don't read Arabic, either. However, by trial and error I got to this page: http://www.toyota.com.sa/showroom/camry/index.html . As you hold your mouse over the links located under the drop down menu, the models available in Saudi Arabia will appear in the box above it. The Prius is not one of the featured automobiles. P.S. I just found this page: http://www.toyota.com.sa/showroom/index.html , which displays all the Toyota models offered for sale there.