Hello everybody, this is my first post here so am sorry if I am repeating what others asked etc... I am the happy owner of a 2005 Prius that I shipped to Prague when moved back just about couple months ago. I bought the car used from a guy who put 45K on it. The tires need replacement at this point and I am kind of lost as to which ones to get. After reading what I could on this forum, I still have more questions than answers so decided to try to ask directly Thank you all for trying to help! Here is the deal. The tires on there at the moment are 185/65/R15, he put Goodyear Allegra on the wheels. I noticed that when driving here in the rain, the car is very unstable, feels unsafe and basically just slides all over the place. I did not realize that it is due to the tires, just thought that Prius is just not the "well handling type of a car" and let it be. After reading all of the info here, I feel that I need to get better tires that will improve this issue, increase handling and improve the safety some. Here are the issues I ran into when trying to decide which ones: 1) here in Europe, there is really no such a thing as "all season" tires, people do summer tires for most of the year and then change in the fall for winter tires - many of the recs here are for the all season tire 2) tire size - I have already determined to get a different size of 195/60/R15 for the tire to improve the stability of the car 2) since I am hoping not to lose too much MPG, I was hoping for a tire that would do both - improve handling and safety and be great on mileage. I found out that Michelin makes the new "green" tire Michelin Energy Saver (only available in Europe, not US) and am considering that one. It is supposed not only be good for MPG but also significantly better for safety, breaking distance superior and improved handling.....so was wondering if anybody knows anything about this tire and would give their opinion? If any other tire for the summer now seems to make sense, is available in Europe and comes recommended on the Prius please let me know, I can use all the help and also tricks/tips I can get here I also read here already that I have to look at all the technical info about the chosen tire etc to make sure it is as close to the OEM tire specs as possible due to the odometer etc etc etc..... Thank you all for any advice/reaction!
from hot and humid Canada, where we had snow on the ground until May 1. #1: Pump the tires to, or close to, the maximum PSI listed on sidewall. Put 2 PSI less in the rear tires. #2: I've heard nothing but good things about Nokian WR and WRG2 for all year driving. They are a REAL snow tire with Severe Service snowflake emblem and they work quite well in summer too, from all I've read. They are reported to be very good for MPG mileage also; I forget if they are certified Low Rolling Resistance. I'm planning to get Nokian WRs or WRG2s to replace my OEM Bridgestones in November. Here in Quebec we are now required to have REAL snow tires starting November 15. Use the search function on Nokian and read the threads. BTW, Prague is lovely. I was there in 1979 visiting some of my Slovak relatives. I hope those wonderful stone roads are holding up well. Are you native there ? If so, congrats on all the peaceful changes that have happened there the last few decades.
Hello to Canada I actually lived there for 6 years when I was little, loved it! I was born in Prague and left for years but am back now and still gorgeous here, the city is really stunning, just soo many tourists Thank you for the advice. I will read on the Nokians now and see where that goes. Read also about Bridgestones Turanza E300, not sure if they are available outside of Europe, but in Europe they won all major tests between all brands and are the highest recommended for both dry and wet summer weather (according to the results of the ratings). I already decided before that for the winter tires, I will get the Nokians, seems like there is nothing better than that.... I sure hope the tires will make a difference in driving my Prius, until now it gets little scary in rain and I dare to say that I have tons of miles behind me and an experienced driver...but always am more careful when driving my car as opposed to my boyfriend's car when raining
Cool. The Turanza is OEM on the Touring model I have and I would not recommend it based on what I've read. See tirerack.com for lots of bad reviews. Bridgestone Turanza EL400-02 If I hadn't read those things though, I'd say the tire was OK for an OEM tire. But I've heard in wet, and certainly snow and slush and ice, they are no good. I'm surprised the Turanza had such good reviews in Europe though. Perhaps it's a somewhat different model ? I don't see E300 on tirerack.
Hi,let me see if my 4 years experience with winter tires can help. I had a 2006 Prius before and now I own a 2010 Prius and I have no problems in suggesting the Nokian.I live in the north of Italy (udine) and the weather here is pretty bad in winter.The Nokians have the good habit of gettihg softer from +7°C down. Bloody Magic! I tried other tires in different cars but I must admit Nokians are better. They get harder with temp increase so you can ride in summer as well.I sold the car in may with the Nokian on in GOOD shape and they had 37.000Km on.Good value for money also!