Greetings, I am in the market to replace my wifes SUV and we are looking hard at the 2010 Prius. We looked at the Insight but OMG what a joke! Comparing the two, the Insight seemed like it was built by high school students where the Prius seems like it was built by Lexus Engineers. I dont care if there was even a $10,000 difference, the Prius is night and day superior in a million ways!...But you all knew that obviously! We really enjoyed the test drive today and marvel at how much techno-gadgetry there is in this thing. We "think" we want the III with solar package but I have some questions I'm hoping you all can answer. 1) Does Toyota offer the electrochromatic mirror with Homelink as an accessory or while I have to have it added aftermarket? 2) My wife wants to add back-up sensors in the bumper(yes we are aware this vehicle has a back-up camera). Will this have to be done aftermarket as well? 3) The wheels(or should I say hubcaps) scream cheezy to me. Will we lose fuel economy if we switch to aftermarket wheels and tires...say 17". 4) How effective is the solar powered cabin fans in ventilating the cabin on the super swelting hot Florida days? For example.....If its 95 degrees outside ambient temperatures and the inside of the cabin reaches say 130f without the solar system......How much can I expect the cabin fans to decrease the cabin temps? 5) What are the best prices going right now for the III with solar? My area in Florida seems to have many on every Toyota dealer I visited. Thanks in advance! Craig
Craig, I can answer some of your questions, I'm sure other can help with the rest. 1. I just ordered the Gentek Auto Dim rear view mirror with HomeLink from for $158.00 with free shipping. I'm going to have a local Audio Shop do the install. 2. Not sure, but they are probably available aftermarket... 3. There are aluminum wheels under those hubcaps, and the Toyota Center caps can be purchased on-line for about $45.00 for a set of 4. 4. Don't know... 5. Check for your area. The new incentives just went into effect and will run till 4 Oct. Shop the last day of the month to get the best deal. A III w/Solar can be had in the metro Atlanta area for $23,335.00...
1) Does Toyota offer the electrochromatic mirror with Homelink as an accessory or while I have to have it added aftermarket? I don't know. Others should know, and there are threads about people installing or having them installed on their cars (check out the Gen III forum for accessories). 2) My wife wants to add back-up sensors in the bumper(yes we are aware this vehicle has a back-up camera). Will this have to be done aftermarket as well? Yes, there is not option for it. 3) The wheels(or should I say hubcaps) scream cheezy to me. Will we lose fuel economy if we switch to aftermarket wheels and tires...say 17". Fromagge it is. There are alloy wheels under covers and they don't look bad. If you do go for 17" wheels, you will likely lose MPG's (roughly 2 - 3 MPG (estimate)) if you go with the wheels from the pkg V car. The "lighter" you can get the wheels, the less MPG hit. 4) How effective is the solar powered cabin fans in ventilating the cabin on the super swelting hot Florida days? For example.....If its 95 degrees outside ambient temperatures and the inside of the cabin reaches say 130f without the solar system......How much can I expect the cabin fans to decrease the cabin temps? The fans should decrease it to near ambient (95 degrees in this case). They crack the windows and flow outside air through the car. There are folks in Arizona who have the sunroof and it seems to work well for them. (HTML Spinner comes to mind) 5) What are the best prices going right now for the III with solar? My area in Florida seems to have many on every Toyota dealer I visited. There is a thread in the gen III main forum, started by Steve Cebu (I think) that's a price thread. It should be on the first page somewhere. Thanks in advance!
Paul, could you possibly PM me with the dealer name that can offer a III with solar? That sounds like a wonderful deal! Craig
He lives in Atlanta. Are you going to drive from FL to ATL. He did say to check out You can also check out
CPRO, If I can find a III with solar for $23,300 then yes, I would travel 6 hours to Atlanta to pick it up! Craig
cproaudio, He's closer than another member who just flew in from CA yesterday to pick up his new Prius IV w/Solar. He went through the same dealership I did and got the same deal. He told me that even with airfare, hotels and gas he saved a bundle over purchasing in CA. If you have the time (which he did) it may be worth the trip. FL is just next door!
Paul, thanks for the contact info however Jasons price for a III with solar package is more like $27,500 :-( Craig
You sure he quoted you a III w/Solar, that's the price of a IV w/Solar! I've attached to price reports for my Zip Code, one is the USAA Price the other is from The $23,9986.00 price on the USAA Report is the Team Toyota price for USAA Members, so he much have quoted you the wrong trim level. That or he doesn't really want to sell you a car! If you aren't a USAA member, run the TrueCar report using my Zip Code, fill in the Registration Information and see what happens when the dealers contact you. I'll call Jason and see what's up, but nothing stopping you from shopping another dealership in the Atlanta area!