Hello I just bought a 2009 prious i think level 5? it has navi and pass key? is there a away i can find out what model i have? and are there tricks to getting the beast from a gallon? i herd there was a kit that i can buy to extend the life of a battery? that can give me more then 80 to a 100 miles to a gallon is that possible? oh my god thats enough for now i will give you people time to respond lol
Perhaps you filled up at an Esso Station and they put Tony the Tiger in your tank!!! but he's a friendly beast. As for 80 to 100 MPG - simple, just buy an Enginer Battery Kit for 10,000 to 15,000 dollars! Really, 50 MPG is pretty good compared to anything you may have been driving before. Drive lightly, don't accelerate hard, and you'll find that you get that mileage easily without really trying.
Do not worry about the life of the battery. Everyone is always fooled by those prius hybrid myths. Lets get one thing straight: prius HV batteries generally last the lifetime of the car. And yes, you can buy additional batteries and do your own plug-in kit for $8k-$10k installed. But with that much money, you can buy enough gas to drive 50mpg for 10 years...so why waste the money??
Chrislager - your car details say you have an '05 with Solar Cells (Canada). Could you elaborate? Is this a plug in solar panel like I've seen plugged into the cigarette lighter and the cells sitting on the dashboard? or? Thinking about that, they wouldn't work in the Prius because the cigarette lighter is dead when the ignition is off so no connection possible, at least in my '09.
Remember if you do the Tiger in Your Tank thing, to get some RTS which you will soon need. Removes Tiger S#!+.