Well, I tried the standard method that worked for my 2008 Prius, and it didn't do a darned thing for the Camry. Anyone have any ideas???
While I don't own a Camry Hybrid, I am confident that Pat is correct: fastening the seat belt will turn off the seat-belt beeps. I don't start the car until my seat belt is fastened, and any/all passengers have done the same, and I never get seat-belt beeps.
Whoops, I must have been having a senior moment, or a brain fart, take your pick! As far as I've been able to find, there is no end user way to turn off the seat belt chime. I have read credible reports on the net that it is an item the dealer can turn off using their scanner tool, and a couple of people reporting they had it done. However, lots of people, including me, have had their dealers refuse to do it, or insist it is not possible. Perhaps Galaxee's DH or some other tech can give us the real story.
You can consider just buckling the belt. I do that sometimes if I know I have something heavy enough on the front seat that will trigger the alarm. (I'm assuming you mean the passenger side)
Use a fold back paperclip in the buckle and don't blame me if you find yourself half way through the windscreen when granny pulls out in front of you and you tee bone her Ford Taurus. I have seen something like this first hand, not pretty and quality of life really suffers.
Listen, in my job I've seen hundreds of photos of the effects of an individual not wearing a seatbelt. I appreciate everyone's concern and advice. However, in this instance it is not necessary. I always wear my seatbelt and I always ensure that any passengers in my car are wearing there's before the car moves. What I don't like is hearing the infernal beeping. To me it's just one more person, thing, entity trying to tell me what to do and when. Some may like being told what to do and when to do it; I do not. Simple as that.
Just wear the damn seatbelt it won't kill you although not wearing just might! Plus the beeping stops when you wear it.
I'm with mrblaise and don't need any more wives or nannies, thank you. I guess I'll have the animal police after me if I say I never strap my dogs in and want to keep them from setting off the chimes.
i hear you brother i put animals in my taxi all the time also and when they set of the chimes they get all nasty and start barking up a storm !!!!!! i dont get paid enought for what i go through some times....!!!!!
I am with you. I don't like being forced to do something. I wear my seatbelt but hate the annoying chime and then fast chime. There has to be a way to turn it off..:faint::faint:
Put the seatbelt on BEFORE you push the power button, it's that simple. It's like: you know your mom's gonna scream at you to put on a warm jacket before going out in the cold weather but you're gonna put one on anyway, so just put one on BEFORE she starts screaming! So much talking for so little a problem, Sheesh man!