anyone having problems with the leather seats. bumps and dimples started showing up on my seats. brought it to the dealership and scheduled an inspection with the toyota warranty guy. thanks!
What trim do you have? A II/III with port- or dealer-installed leather or a IV/V with factory leather?
Factory leather on my V. No problems, but only 6K miles so far. Lots of local, so driver seat gets all the wear.
You've posted this in two other threads several months ago. It's normal to expect some winkling/creasing on the sides, but if that's not what it is, post a photo of the "bumps and dimples."
I haven't had any problems w/ mine per se, but the leather just seems of a bit lower quality than that on my parents' '08. (Mine is a 'IV' w/ factory leather). I do think they may have decontented a bit to keep the prices down, putting the extra buckus in the mechanicals. I don't really have any complaints, but it does seem cheaper. OTOH, it has that crucial adjustable lumbar support. As the person with the Audi mentioned, it isn't a lux car. To the OP--I see you live in CA. Is it a particularly hot/dry area? If so, a leather treatment may help. ~T