I don't even know if it might not be covered under the factory warranty. If you glued it, did you use a Super Glue-type glue?
I think that depends mostly on how oftern you use that compartment, and even to an extent how you position your fingertips when you open it---silly as that may sound (the latter). I use my compartment quite a bit (4-8 times a week avg.) and my cloth came loose in about 5 months.
I glued it with "super glue". It started coming off about 2 months after I got the car. It was easier to glue it back myself than make an appointment and wait at the dealers. Over a year later now, and it still looks better than new.
Mine just barely started to come loose after about a year, although I don't use the compartment too often. I had been putting off doing it myself. But when I had the car in to the dealer for service recently, they replaced it at no charge without my even asking. Not sure whether they replaced the entire lid or just the covering, but the covering is new. Bill
Wow! My wife and I use that compartment everyday to store work "tools", and we have had our car for two months now. We will have to watch out that that issue. Maybe Toyota has identified this as a problem, and has already "fixed" it? Just a thought...
Yup, after a few months. I let it go until I got irritated (a few more months). I glued it with an RTV silicone sealant. I dissassembled the armest (a few screws and it slides off the anchor tabs) so I could turn it over. put some of the glue in the slot, stretched the fabric back into place and clamped a couple of allen wrenches into the slot to hold the fabric down until it set. A year later and it still looks like new.
The fact that it's happened to 7 out of 25 (as of today in poll) tells anyone else who reads this to at least check yours occasionally---and especially before your warranty expires, if you want to go the dealer route. The fact that three have already had their dealers fix it answers the question of whether it's covered; and since it is, even though it's not that difficult to fix ourselves, taking it to the dealer might net us new cloth, or compartment, or whatever it is they do.
Just to be clear, we are talking about the center-console compartment, right? Maybe I don't want to keep my spare change in there afterall...
I don't really look at mine because it is covered with a leather cover from Prius Hoods [Broken External Image]:http://www.geocities.com/priushoodscreen/ebaycover3.jpg
Thanks, Scuba! Never ceases to amaze me how enterprising individuals will discover and fill niche markets...
It failed with in the first year, and the dealer fixed it qith no questions, and not much trouble to me.
One of my customers who is on his third in 3 yrs, because he drives 60-80000 mi/yr, had the cloth come loose on his first one and Toyota replaced it under warranty. But it was within 36K mi.
Mine came loose within the first year. I have looked at two used cars and both have had the cloth loose.
i got a center console cover with my GT seat covers... installed after about 2 months of driving. have not had any trouble with the cloth coming off. galaxee's photo album but then again, i rarely even use the center console for anything other than resting my arm as i drive.