As I'm starting to get a considerable amount of work dumped on me here at work, I'm seeing the amount of time I have to dedicate to extra-curricular activities dwindling fast. I try to not let anything get in the way because excuses or not I know other people are counting on me to do what I said I would do. So far, there's been only a minimal amount of slip because my wife has allowed me to consume vast amounts of "hometime" working on professional or non-home activities. Basically, I put my computer into "stand by" when I leave work and fire it up again as soon as I get home. She's already made it clear that's going to change. Also, I could use the sleep. So what I'm proposing for Priuschat is a rotating Administrator and Organizer position. This individual would take over the Chicago Group for a calendar year. The way I envision it, we can take turns. I figure I put in a good 2005 and would like to hand the reigns over to someone for 2006. I know my wife would feel better if I told her that I've already lined up a transition. Roles include organizing meetups maybe once every other month, keeping an eye open for fairs and events we can participate in, moderating the posts in this forum (because you're all just a wild bunch!), and anything else you can think of. Basically, if you want to do it, the job is yours to have and then make it your own. It's not as though I'm leaving nor am I giving up my board Moderator role. I'm just looking to unload some of the work and be just a member of the Chicago Group again. I can grant Administrator rites to whoever wants them and then step down. In a year, we'll turn it over again. That way I feel, it will be fresh for someone new to head the group. I haven't thought too much about it. Not sure if we would vote or take the first applicant. We've got a couple months before the end of the year; I'm sure we can figure it out.
Tony, you've had a good year (and some, I guess.) Or you will. (If I remember correctly, Chicago was started somewhere around Oct/Nov last year, correct? And I mean the Chicago club, not CHICAGO!) I wouldn't mind doing it, as when I first logged on and didn't see Chicago, I was itching to start it. But I figured I should wait until I at least get my own, for some reason (although Danny still doesn't have one.) I also have a decent amount of free time on a daily basis... I do want to hear everyone else's thoughts on this as well.
HAHA. Gotta admit, I was thinking about you two when I was writing the post if only because you two were were the second and third people to sign up in the Chicago group. Matt, if you want the job and Jim doesn't, then it's yours to have. To make it official, we'll wait until the end of the year. I hope to see you both on Saturday. I pretty much really ticked off my wife driving all the way to Soldier Field on a Saturday afternoon just to take pictures of a group of cars. Bring your cameras and set them on their highest resolution.
Speaking of photography, I think this weekend is the closing of an aerial photo exhibit at Millennium Park, just north of the Soldier Field location. All the photos are of Chicago locations. I hope to stop there before our photos. My camera must have been issued by the U.N. - nothing but unimpressive resolutions.
Thats Great to here When one needs help there are others right there. good for you. I am looking forward to meeting you all on saterday Bob