When stating your MPG you should also advise in your post if the gasoline you use is cut with Ethanol, usually a 10% blend. This will make a difference of at least 2-4 MPG less miles per gallon. Here in Oregon, and some other states in the U.S., all gasoline is treated with 10% Ethanol gas all year long. Before in Oregon Ethanol was only used in the winter months, but based on the slippery slope rule, we now have to use it yearly. So, in order to keep MPG's equal with other drivers I believe this should be added in your post so we are all on the same playing field. alfon
This guy states that only six States mandate the use of E10, including only one State with a large population (Florida): States That Have Mandatory E10 Laws | eHow.com We'd like to see E10, and eventually higher blends of ethanol, required here in Michigan too.
If only six states have 10% Ethanol blend all year long it is perhaps safe to say that most of the mpg figures are calculated with straight gasoline. It is just my opinion, that if we are going to be accurate and equal in our comparisons, stating if you use Ethanol blended gas or straight gas would at least explain why some Prius owners have better mpg than others. alfon
Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it. Then see how your lawn mower likes it, your snowblower there in Michigan, any older cars if you have one. Oh, and if you use it in your Prius, you will be dropping at least three or more mpg. Then, once it is there, IF you could get E0 gasoline you'll have to pay 20% more or so, while paying the original pure gasoline price for the E10.
Believe me you DO NOT WANT ETHANOL GAS IN YOUR STATE. I wish we had a choice here in Oregon but we do not. Ethanol is currently made from corn. It takes more than one gallon of diesel to make one gallon of Ethanol. Remember, Ethanol, has less BTU's than regular gas, and about 50% less energy than diesel fuel. If you know economics Ethanol is a loooooser. Its government funded so we are all paying for it. Here in Oregon we loose both ways. Yes, if you get Ethanol, like here in Oregon, you will notice less mpg, 2-4 mpg, than regular gasoline. alfon
It's different in Minnesota, where it's been a mandate for a decade now. It's common to use waste energy sources (like wood scraps & sawdust) for processing and when not available there's natural gas here. Hybrid corn research here has increased yields significantly too. So within the state, it's a different story than many other parts of the country. As for MPG, my 50 average is plenty considering the tradeoff for cleaner emissions. .
I thought it was required in Michigan. I haven't seen non-ethanol automotive gasoline for years. There are exemptions for special use. For example, the gas tanks in many boats dissolve into a sticky goo when exposed to alcohol. Obviously that doesn't do much good for marine engines, so you can buy non-ethanol marine fuels, assuming your local marina decides to carry them. Tom
So Ethanol actually might make sense up there? If you have any articles and such about this let me know, it'd be an interesting read for me.
It makes sense for corn farmers. Those of us that live in farming states generally have to burn ethanol gasoline. It doesn't make any sense from an economic or reusable fuel viewpoint. Tom
It may not be a law, but here in NJ I've not found a single station that sells straight gas anymore - it's all E10. I suspect other states are similar, so I would presume mileage figures were based on E10 unless someone knew they got straight gas. That could also be the reason the displayed MPG is almost always higher than actual - the calculation is based somehow on factors that were set for 100% gas, and the actual mileage from E10 is less (I read that in some other thread a month ago or so).
I looked at a site a month or so ago where you could check on stations by state selling straight gas and in MI, where I am, and there were 3 or 4 and they were all at marinas, as Tom indicated.
I dont think CA has E10 mandate. Gas here are usually at nations most expensive price. The cheapest gas here is 2.849/gal at some no name mini mart. name brands like shell and mobile are usually at least 15 cents more.