Today I was asked what I'm sure will be the first of many stupid questions about Cousin Presee. Is that a fast car or, a slow car? To which I answered: "It goes fast and, it goes slow". Perhaps you would like to post some questions you have been asked and, the answers you gave. Or, the answers you wish you would have given. jrohland Arlington, Virginia, USA
"Where does it plug in?" I answer that it doesn't and the ISE (with the braking system) charges it. I'd like to say, "Oh, there's a retractable cord that I plug in at night. It charges completely in 2 hours and uses 15watts of power." But I know I'd be confusing people.
haha, i don't think these are stupid questions! they're just uninformed/uneducated... and naive, yeah? and quite frustrating to deal with! haha sometimes.
That's not that stupid, since there are CNG vehicles such as busses and there is one CNG car sold only in California (in the U.S., I mean), the Civic HX. So that person just got confused.
Question: "What kind of car do you have?" Answer: "A Toyota Prius - a hybrid" Question: "What's a hybrid?" Of course, my friend leads a sheltered life
Picked up my friend from his house, he saw the MFD has 3 bars left on battery. He comments, "Oh you don't have much battery left!" I said, "Dang! I'll have to plug it in your house. You have a long extension cord by any chance?" His jaw dropped. Then I said, "Just kidding, it recharges by itself." Another common question is about "plug-in"