Hello, my 2005 has 130,000 trouble free miles. Recently during a long trip the engine started to make more noise then usual. This occurs during acceleration up untill the point when you hear the engine really start to work. I took the car to Toyota and they said it sounded normal. I am picky about my car and know a new noise. My wife even said she can hear it. I think it sounds a bit like the old lifter rattle my 289 Ford made in my 67 Mustang. Does it need a valve adjustment? Shouldn't Toyota have said that in the first place? Any help would be appreciated. Matt
Is the motor using any oil yet Mathew? It probably wouldn't hurt to try a high mileage oil and see if it runs any quieter. BTW. What oil are you currently running?
I have been using Mobile 1 since the break in period. It has not been using any oil. Should I up the viscosity of the oil? Matt
I wonder if at 130K the spark plugs need to be changed. It would be good to check the plugs for corrosion anyway. Also often suggested is to check the MAF sensor cleanness. Good luck!
It depends a bit on what your priorities are. It might be just a little bit more clearance in the tappets or elsewhere as the motor is getting on in miles and you may prefer to try and get that fixed mechanically. If it's only minor but none the less annoying you then yeah a slightly thicker oil might do the job. Naturally I wouldn't advocate using a thick oil to mask some serious underlying problem, so I'm only suggesting this because the dealer has already heard it and said no problem. You could try a 5W40 or 0W40 instead of the 5W30 that you're probably on now. But even 5W30 in some of the high mileage oils are still a bit thicker than most regular 5W30 oils (apparently there's a bit of latitude in what passes at 30 weight at 100c) Valvoline MaxLife is a reasonably priced synthetic blend that I've found to be very good in engines that are getting on in miles.
I see you have 130,000 miles, have you replaced your spark plugs? My 2005 had 102,000 and it had the "Valve Tick" as you mentioned. I put new plugs in (E3 Diamond Fire) and the noise went away. The plugs I pulled out were pretty much on their last leg. The Oil is a good possibility as well. I now use extended life engine oil.
Where is the MAF on this engine? Is it fairly easy to look at. When the car was on the diagnostic computer shouldn't it clue the tech. in on bad plugs or misfire? Matt
Yes it is easy to see. Just lift the air filter and look down the throttle tube. If you do a search there are posts with pictures also. I suppose if the plugs are borderline and the symptoms are minor as you described then the computer may or may not pick up.
2 things... 67 Mustang with a 289...nice vehicle. I always loved the 67 Mustang, I thought it was a great year...nice combination of styling and performance... Also..Is "It's Normal" the pat answer for anything at dealerships? It's just frustrating to me because dealership service across the board seems so unhelpful. Owners know their vehicles better than anyone else, especially if you've driven it for 130,000 miles. If an owner with that much time and experience with the machine told me, something is different...I certainly wouldn't come back with...sounds normal to me... I think the advice given so far good. Your vehicle is aging, so it might be "normal" from the standpoint that maybe you need to look at these actions or combinations of actions... Good Luck.
I can understand the dealers point of view. If something is a major problem then it's usually pretty easy to find. If something is very minor though then they could spend a lot of time and still not find it or fix it to the customers satisfaction. BTW. Mathew, do you think it sounds more like mechanical "clatter" or you you think it's more like a misfire?
Hi Matt, 1. If the iridium spark plugs have not been replaced yet, change them now. Although it is true that the engine ECU will log a P030x DTC when excessive misfire is detected, a fairly high percentage misfire is allowable by the engine ECU, like 20+% or more. 2. If the sound persists after the spark plugs have been replaced, then ask to have your valve clearance adjusted. Usually the valve clearance will increase over time, and this will cause more valve noise.
I know, it's sorta like medicine...sometimes a condition has to get worse before you can diagnose... But "It's Normal" seems to be the dealership response to anything and everything unless you actually drive in the bay with your engine aflame... I'm just saying I wouldn't send a customer away, one that has owned the vehicle for years and put 130,000+ miles on it, who is now saying it sounds different...with "It's Normal". I might say, we can't determine anything out of the ordinary yet...but keep listening and come back if it worsens...but I wouldn't diagnose..."It's Normal" when the owner of several years...is saying it's not.... IMO that's poor service and just a cop out.
A small engine fire is normal. I wouldn't worry about it until the flames get to the passenger compartment. Tom
I don't know. You should buy the correct NGK or Denso plugs: NGK IFR5A11 or Denso SK16R11. The spec is 1.0 to 1.1 mm. I set the gap at the minimum of 1.0 mm. BTW, tightening torque on the plugs is 13 ft.-lb.