Where to get service in Central Mass??

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Care, Maintenance and Troubleshooting' started by JillN, Oct 13, 2005.

  1. JillN

    JillN New Member

    Feb 28, 2004
    Anyone have any suggestions on where to take my 2004 Prius for regular service in Central Massachusetts?

    I was taking to Westboro Toyota, but they pulled the scam of the $170 15K mile service (unfortunately, I got stuck with that bill, even after arguing with several people for quite a while), so I refuse to go back to them. These guys were supposed to be THE expert Prius dealer in the area, too.

    But I'm not sure I want to take my prius to just any mechanic either, or would that be OK?

    If I take to a regular mechanic, what special instructions do you give them (it's a 3 cylinder engine right? And the it only takes 3.9 liters of oil)? Stuff like that?

    Thanks in advance for anyone's help!!
  2. Maytrix

    Maytrix Member

    Aug 22, 2005
    Marlborough, Mass
    2009 Prius
    What did they do for the 15k mile service? I bought my Prius there and have every intention of going there for service.
  3. LaughingMan

    LaughingMan Active Member

    May 20, 2005
    Marlborough, MA
    Yeah... I live in the area and I've been going there for service as well. Tell me more about your issues with Westboro.
  4. DanMan32

    DanMan32 Senior Member

    Aug 27, 2004
    Tampa Bay, FL
    It is a 4 cylinder 1.5L atkinson engine. The specs say 3.9qts, but that is sure to put the oil level over the full mark, even with the filter replaced.
    Try 3.5 quarts, and add a tenth of a quart until at the full mark.

    Any mechanic can do the purely mechanical work, but many repair and maintenance tasks require Toyota's scan tool to check sensors, and to operate relays, pumps and the like. Some mechanics might be ingenious enough to run the pumps/actuators and the like without the tool by jumping things, but be sure they understand the car's design and wiring (IE they have read the repair manual).

    If you have hybrid related problems not related to the ICE, that's best left to the dealer.
  5. JillN

    JillN New Member

    Feb 28, 2004
    My only issue with Westborough Toyota was them screwing me on my 15K service.

    I called and scheduled, told them I wanted the 15K service - I specifically told them I had a 2004 Prius, and I wanted the 15K service for my Prius. I took the car in, service was performed, and then I paid at the cashier.

    Westboro owed me a free oil change, which I was told was in their computer (this is from when I had brought my car in for the gas gauge fix, and they ended up not having all the parts, so I had to bring it back a 2nd time). I didn't pay much attention to the charge slip - I glanced at it, and thought it said $17 plus change - I knew that's low for service, but I thought that was just the tire rotation, and they'd applied the free oil change to this trip.

    It was only after I got home that I took another look at the charge slip - it was NOT $17 plus change, but $170 plus change - BIG DIFFERENCE, obviously. The slip they gave me that should have had details on it about what was done had only a single line item - 15K service - $170.

    I was NOT happy, so called the service department (I've always spoken with John Neill there). I left a message for John, and after he didn't get back to me after a couple of days, I called again. Asked to speak to John, but they wouldn't give me to him, nor put me into his voicemail. So I spoke with someone else (didn't get his name).

    I told this guy, who was an ass’t service manager, that I was VERY unhappy at being charged $170 for an oil change (that should have been free) and a tire rotation. He was surprised, but he looked up my ticket, and said, well, you had a 15K service - the charge for that is $170. I said my service manual says it's an oil change and tire rotation - he then gave me a song and dance about how they do a bunch of other things in addition to the service manual, and that's why the service was $170.

    I asked what additional stuff was done, and he rattled off a few things, most of which I now know from this board are either not possible for a Prius, or not recommended, and certainly not needed. I told him again that was NOT what I wanted done, I wanted the standard 15K service.

    He basically told me tough luck, they would not do anything for me, and that is what the charge was.

    I seriously considered disputing the charge on my credit card, but I had no documentation, nor would Westboro provide any documentation on what they allegedly did to my car. I did call and leave two more messages to John Neill, saying I had some issues from my 15K service that I needed to talk to him about - he never returned any of my calls.

    This was back in July - a couple weeks ago, I get a message from Westboro Toyota service - my Prius was part of a recall, and I should call to schedule it to come in. No details on the voicemail.

    I ignored them, as I will NOT be taking my car back to them. A week later, they called again, and I happened to be home. John Neill told me about a recall for my car, and when I asked what it was for, he said something about sealing the battery compartment. I asked if he was sure it was for my car, as I was VERY reluctant to bring it back to them after the problems at my last service.

    John asked me about what happened, what problems I had, and I told him. His reply was basically the standard - that's what the 15K service costs. I told him I KNEW that was not what my car needed done, and the work that was claimed to be one could not have been done on my car. He just repeated what appears to be their standard line - with our experience, we know more than Toyota, so we do more at the services than they recommend.

    I then cut him off, and asked did the recall apply to my specific car - he admitted that he didn't have my VIN in their computer (even though I’ve taken my car in for service there at least a dozen time). I then asked for the VIN range of the recall - he refused to give it to me. I also asked for more info on the recall - he couldn't tell me.

    So I told John that I would not be bringing my car in for the recall unless I could find out more info about it, to see if it actually applied to my car. I posted the question here on these boards and found out the recall he said applied to my car is only for the 1st and/or 2nd generation Prius's (2000 to 2003, I think).

    So I've not called them back, nor have they called me again.

    I did send an email to the Prius sales guy there, Gil, letting him know I was very upset with the service department, and describing what happened. I also said I would not be bringing my car back there, and I'd recommend to others not to take their car there either. No response from Gil.

    So at this point, they have lost me as a customer, and I hope my experiences there will help other keep from getting ripped off like I was.

    This dealership was supposed to be the Prius expert dealer in the area, and have the absolute best service department for Prius's - not in my opinion!!
  6. DanMan32

    DanMan32 Senior Member

    Aug 27, 2004
    Tampa Bay, FL
    "I called and scheduled, told them I wanted the 15K service - I specifically told them I had a 2004 Prius, and I wanted the 15K service for my Prius. "

    There's your problem. NEVER ask for the "x mileage service", especially for a Prius.

    Being that said, they should have gone over the points in their "standard service" and see how many items CAN'T be applied to your Prius, and how many can, but would be too soon. This would be something to do in person with John.

    As for not correctly associating the campaign to your car, that's not right (but I might be able to understand it, give me a minute), but to add insult to injury, he refused to go over the particulars with you to verify that it does indeed apply. I guess he got caught with his pants down and would not admit it.

    As for the misapplication, they labeled the recall either SSC-40G or LSC40G. I think what might have thrown him off, as it did me, is the 40 part.

    What gets me is when people make mistakes, even honest ones, but won't admit to it, or take responsibility for it. My former girlfriend managed to get her insurance account mixed with mine, thus cancelling my insurance, leaving my car uninsured without my knowing, and applying the credit to her insurance. Much of that was the insurances's fault. My girlfriend mentioned we were engaged, and so they thought we were combining assets. Now when I found out, I wasn't upset with her once I found out what happened, and the insurance returned the $75 back to my new account. When she was notified about the $75 deficiency, she got mad at ME!
    She also got mad at me when I called her to task for using my calling card number after we broke up. I knew it was an honest mistake, but still felt she was neglegent about it. Again, she got mad at ME!
  7. JillN

    JillN New Member

    Feb 28, 2004
    What about the Maintenance light? Would a regular (non-dealer) be able to turn off the maintenance light after they do an oil change? Or does that require some special computer?

    I'm just trying to gather all teh info I can before finding a non-dealer mechanic to service my Prius.

    Thanks for your help!!
  8. Maytrix

    Maytrix Member

    Aug 22, 2005
    Marlborough, Mass
    2009 Prius
    Thanks for all the info. I'm probably going to give them a shot at it - we'll see how it goes. I definetely won't ask for any specific service - I'll just let them know what I want to be done and find out the cost up front.

    I could see $170 (or more) for a 30k service, but I don't think I've ever done much more than oil changes up to 30k unless they've noticed something - and my old mechanic used to always keep an eye out for other issues.
  9. LaughingMan

    LaughingMan Active Member

    May 20, 2005
    Marlborough, MA
    you can turn off the maintenance light yourself if you want, or do the oil change yourself if you wish.

    john1701a has instructions.

  10. DanMan32

    DanMan32 Senior Member

    Aug 27, 2004
    Tampa Bay, FL
    So does your owner's manual in the maintenance section.