On our trip to Idaho, we stayed over in Spokane, and had the pleasure of meeting Daniel for breakfast! It was a great time. Thank you, Daniel! I got a few photos of him/us/his adorable EV
* hugs * I think this is great, I plan on travelling a lot more often in the states in the next few years, meeting some of you for a hug, would definately make my day...!
"Breakfast with Daniel" would be a good movie title As far as current/former Prius owners to avoid, I'm fairly certain Tom would have me right at the top of that list. Something to do with my sinister demeanor
Jayman, I think the majority of us who havent met you personally -- Gulp -- have diffiulty erasing your self-created image of "an 800 lb. bald gorilla" on a rampage: ...then I give them the Personal Touch "trained gorilla, but without the training" I've beat the living s*** out of jerks... I don't consider it an "assault" but rather a "tune up"... ...I'd rip their f***ing arms right off. I'm sure there is also a cuddly, loveable, sensitive, romantic side as well. Maybe otavia and or RaeVynn could help you with a personal image revamp/rehabillitation.
Would that be a Hitchcock movie? Now Jayman, why would you think that. How could I feel that way about someone who loves kitties. Now that I think about it, you don't *eat* those cute little kittens, do you? Tom
Nah, I'm sure he's perfectly harmless. As long as you don't loosen the restraints, everything will be just fine......
LOL!! Jayman knows where to find me... Anyway, BACK TO DANIEL... Daniel is a very nice person, with a lot of fascinating stories of his life and travels, and it was just not enough time to spend with him! Next time I'm over in Eastern WA, I'm hoping he'll be available for another visit. Oh, and if he comes over to this side of the Cascades, he's welcome to come visit us!
Thank you, that's a relief. I don't have to finish those gun portals tonight. Yes, sorry, back to Daniel. Where are the pictures of the recent hiking trip?
Hiking trip? oh, you mean Daniel's hiking trip... I've only a few photos of our trip driving across WA... Yes... where are Daniel's hiking photos?
Well, I DO know how to look after myself. I can't help it Only if it involves kitties But I would eat anybody who tried to eat MY kitties! It's remarkably easy to get out of restraints, like a Houdini act :hug: If things don't work out with whatz-his-name, you know how to get hold of me
You should finish them anyway. They could come in handy for other events: home invasion robberies, APEC riots, nosy neighbours, etc