I'm getting an Iphone next week. It took a while to convince a medium size corporation to adopt the platform. I do have experience with my 08' Prius with an LG flip phone, hands free. It has performed flawlessly. The sound quality has been excellent and the ability to shift between modes is incredible as long as you remember to transfer the call (instantaneous) before you shut the car off. I can start my car while talking on the phone and it will automatically transfer top the car when it connects. I transferred the address book up but the Prius will only allow you to dial speed dials numbers while the car is moving so the address book is worthless except for identifying callers. I can still dial, hang up, etc. from my phone. If the Iphone works as well, I will be very happy indeed.
I'm very pleased with my 3G iPhone, and I think the Prius is the bomb, but the two don't work together in perfect harmony. You cannot upload your phonebook, for one. You do get the read out of battery on the MFD screen, and you get the typical incoming call information, so it does have some great features (but pretty much like other phones). The iPhone does prompt you, when dialing, as to whether you want to use the Prius handsfree setup, the iPhone speaker or the regular iPhone handset. My biggest disappointment is that I can't get the iPhone to use the Prius sound system and speakers when I am retrieving voicemail. I'd appreciate assistance from other iPhone/Prius users!
I understand the 3.0 software will enable the iPhone to send contact data over bluetooth, as well as A2DP and possibly some other serial functionality.
I can only get this to work if I plug in a headphone cable into the iPhone and play messages using the AUX input on the radio. If you plug and unplug the headphone the iPhone will play messages out of the internal speaker on the phone. At least I can hear them this way. Never found away to send voice mails over Bluetooth to the Prius. I've not read enough about the software 3.0 update to know if the additional protocols necessary to support it have been added.
That's an interesting adaptation! I hadn't even thought of it. I'll give it a try to see how it works. I often hook up the iPhone through the AUX, so I'll see if it does the job for listening to voicemails over the sound system in the car. Thanks!
I've done a search, and apparently either I don't know the correct terms, or no one has posted about it: I have a 2005 Prius, and with both my old iPhone 3G and my new iPhone 3Gs, when I use the MFD to dial (using one touch), I get what I consider to be a connection tone not unlike the noise you heard when using an old modem for about 10 seconds, extremely loudly. Once that goes away, the phone call goes through as normal. My guess is that it's the bluetooth syncing up, but I am not sure why that noise is being piped through the speakers in my car. I would think that the sync process would be suppressed, and only once it is completed would the audio be pushed out. Is there a way to fix this? Is there a bluetooth update for the car that would resolve it? Thanks for any help.
Just paired my wife's iPhone 3GS to her 2008 Prius, but I still can't get the contacts to transfer over. Has anybody had any luck yet?
Sadly it will not work. See my explanation here: http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-ii-...os-3-0-transfering-contacts-gen-ii-prius.html
Thanks. I appreciate the help. I guess I'll manually program in a few to keep her happy. At lease enough to fill her speed dial.
One issue I checked out with Apple Support is that the Iphone 3gs does not play through the speakers on bluetooth on the Prius 2006. It does on the Prius 2010. The voice record does play through the speakers on the 2006. My iphone paired easily with the Prius 2006. I used a Treo to upload my contacts. Does anyone know how to upload the contacts from the iphone?
How do I get my iphone 4 into the "list of phones it can use"? I have had my iphone since the release date and still can't use it through my bluetooth. Any help would be appreciated.
PLEASE help...Anyone. Bluetooth is set "on" on my iphone but when I follow the setup instructions in the owners manual, nothing happens. It doesn't even find a bluetooth device. I had no trouble setting up my last blackberry but can't get the iphone to work at all. When the prius tells you to input the passkey on your phone, where do I input it? I've tried just dialing it but nothing happens.
The passkey gets entered on the phone. Did you have a different phone with the same number paired with the Prius previously? If so, you might try deleting that phone first (I read on another forum that having a previous phone with the same phone number in the Prius "could" be troublesome). When I pair a new phone with the Prius, I almost always do it wrong at least once. Follow the steps carefully. If you still have trouble, you might want to record the steps you're taking and post them here for someone's comment.