When my 2004 was serviced yesterday, the dealership told me my OEM tires had 'edge wear' and should be replaced (at about 20,000 miles!!). They offered to replace them with Integrities for $420. They also said there was no milage warranty on the OEM tires and that they would offer none on the new ones. Lovely. I drive in San Diego, and we have no weather that I'm aware of, so the discussions on tires in extreme weather areas are not terribly useful. Mainly, I just want the tires to be quiet, grip reasonably well, not make my milage appreciably worse & not be horribly expensive. In that department the Falken Ziex ZE-512 were looking good at about $65 per tire and 50,000 mi wear but I just read a post that said they adversely affected the milage. Any other experiences? Or should I go with the Michelin HydroEdge at $110 and 85,000 mi wear? I've heard some good things about the ComfortTread as well. Or should I use the Integrity because of the low resistance (although crappy wear)? Thanks for any thoughts or experiences!
I'm kind of new around here, ChiaPrius, but it sounds as if the dealership is trying to make some money off of you. The Integrity is the kind that my 2005 came with and according to the chart from another post, they cost about $50 apiece. You can get really good tires for $73 so $420 for a set seems awfully expensive. Also, every new car that I've ever gotten had warranties for the tires that were handled by the tire manufacturer separately from the car's warranty so they sound as if they're scamming you. Edge wear? Oh brother. I wouldn't go back to that dealership if I was in your place.
That's normal for the Integrity's in your not runniung tire pressure at 42/40. Otherwise you should get 30 to 40k out of them.
Do not pay the dealer $420--he's/she's hoping you're stupid and won't do any research. Somewhere here there's a list of all tires that fit the Prius--search around for that nice spread sheet that has all the tire wear ratings, cost, etc. That said, most have narrowed the list down to a handful of good choices. 1)OEM Integrities...if you like getting 20-30k miles/tire and don't mind bad traction and handling then these are a good choice for $55/tire or so. BTW, 20k is mighty early to be needing replacement...you should have your alignment checked soon after you put new tires on if you intend to do that soon. If you intend to continue driving on the Integrities the have the alignment done now. Ask around for a reliable tire shop in your area and have them look at your tires and give an opinion of how long they'll last and you might get them to do the alignment--the only problem there is that the Prius requires something called a "Zero-Point calibration" with the alignment and many independent shops may not be equipt to do that so you may be stuck with your dealer for that proceedure. It's still worthwhile. 2)Comfortread...seems a very nice riding tire for a decent price (?$80) 3)Michelin HydroEdge--Around $105+/tire but 80k mile warranty on tread, superior handling esp. in rain--about as noisy as the OEM. 4)Michelin MVX series--for a low rolling resistance option 5)Falkins seem to be getting good press for another LRR tire There are a few others that don't come immediately to mind that folks seem to like.
They Fib The 2004 came with a mileage warrantee on the tires. It's through Goodyear. As far as other replacements, If they made the Triple Tred in the right size I'd probably go that way. Right now I'm leaning toward trying the Michelin Energy series, if only because no one else here seems to have tried them, so may as well get a data point for one of the current crop of LRRs.
I just ordered the Michelin Hydroedge.. from costco..109 a tire.. plus they have a 60 dollar off coupon.. I should have them on in a week or two.. If you can wait.. I will let you know how they are.. Scott 04 Silver #5 36K miles
The Goodyear TripleTred comes in the correct size to replace the Goodyear Integrity tire. EXACT SAME SIZE. That's the reason I put less than 100 miles on the OEM tires before switching.
As stated by others, the dealer is a snake and should be avoided. If they are willing to do this to you on your tires, I wouldn't go there for service either. Edge wear - BOTH edges of a single tire? If so, your air pressure is too low. Otherwise, as Evan said, get the alignment checked BEFORE you buy new tires. Tempus - Goodyear TripleTreds. I got a set, not the "right" size, but an 'equivilent' size and they fit the rims. I wouldn't suggest them for ChiaPrius necessarily, not a lot of snow in San Diego. Better grooving than the ComfortTreds for snow grip but they are somewhat noiser as a result. Just saw the post Bill snuck in before I hit "ADD post" - if they make the same size as the OEMs it is new since I got mine in January.
You wouldn't happen to have a model number or something like that to give to the tire store, would you Bill? Even Goodyear's website isn't listing the TripleTred for the Prius. Thank you.
last time i checked, its not the exact same size. OEM is something like... 185/65 and the tripletreds that match up to that would be 195/60 with a 1% difference in something
I just (yesterday) replaced my tires with Goodyear Assurance ComforTreds. I'm very pleased with them so far. They are a perfect size-match with the OEM tires, so getting them replaced was cheap ($30) and quick (45 mins). I replaced my tires for purposes of a quieter ride, and I am happy to report that I have achieved this. I definitely have slightly less road noise with the ComforTreds. Handling seems the same (although I am certainly less sensitive to changes in this regard than others), and they seem to have the same kind of grip as the OEM tires. My milage has actually gotten slightly better (looks to be up by about .2 mpg so far, with a sample size of 200 miles), but I suspect this might just be because I inflated them to 40 PSI, while I never messed with the OEM tires whatsoever. Overall, they are slightly quieter, and otherwise comparable, which is exactly what I was going for.
Wow! Thanks for all the feedback! I will check all the links, although I did do a search yesterday to look up any related posts. It sounds like I'd need to go to a Goodyear shop (is there such a thing?) to get satisfaction on the warranty, and I don't think I want to go with one of their products so...I was glad to hear back-ups of what I felt; that the dealer was scamming me. I think I'll be looking for a different dealership for service. I must admit to not checking my tire pressure regularly or having an alignment in the 1.5 years I've owned my Prius. I used to do that with my other (used) cars, but guess I thought having service every 3 months be good enough (lame, I know). Until I did some reading on the site in regard to tires, I was unaware that the tire pressure should be higher than the standard setting (around 42/40 depending on the tire). I will be checking it regularly from now on. Believe I'll take you up on your suggestion, Evan, and get a second opinion on the tires. DataVortex, are you saying you got the ComforTreads for $30 or is that what they charged to put them on? Scott, I'll be interested to see how you like your HydroEdges. Thanks again!
I got the ComforTreds for $50/each from a member of this forum (blkc5). You can probably find them for just a bit more than that. TireRack has them for about $70/each. Oh, and yes - $30 was how much it cost to put them on.
In addition to the fine tires already mentioned, please consider Nokians. Look further into the Prius main forum here, and see that I am shamelessly promoting a group tire buy from tirefactory.
We put Michelin Hydroedge (95K mi) tires on our 2002 Toyota Echo - treadwear is very long life. We plan on replacing the OEM on the Prius with Michelin Hydroedge. These tires are rated high by Consumer Reports.
Absolutely on previous prius (2001) I used the $ 60 costco coupon and the net total was approx $ 310 ( net) . The tires run out soon at Costco and in the worst case it is 10 day wait. Just got the new prius and will keep the board posted if dealers here in No. CA give me the same BS about OEM tires...
Mainly, I just want the tires to be quiet, grip reasonably well, not make my milage appreciably worse & not be horribly expensive. The November 2005 issue of Consumer Reports evaluates all season tires. The third rated tire is Hankook Mileage Plus II H725. I put a set on my Prius for $309 out the door. I only have about 500 miles on them, so they aren't really broken in yet, but so far I am very happy with them. The Hydroedge was something like 5 or 7 rated, and the Comfortred was 13 rated. The top tire was Goodyear TripleTred. I didn't get them because I didn't think they had the Prius size, but based on the earlier post, maybe I thought wrong. CraigCSJ 04 Driftwood #9BC
My stock Integrities are going to last 40,000 miles. Perfectly adequate tires, as far as I'm concerned. Sams has a Goodyear Viva 2 that will fit the Prius perfectly and has a 440 treadwear index.