Hello, Anyone here have bluetooth mp3 streaming with Droid working? Just bought an IV and am trying to get my Droid working for music. I put everything in a "Music" folder on the Droid, but the Prius didn't appear to see the files.
I have a Nexus One, which should be similar since they both use the Android OS. The way I stream music uses the car's stereo as bluetooth headphones, so it doesn't use the Prius' MP3 file navigation system - you just play the music with the phone's normal MP3 player and it uses the car speakers. There is also a play/pause button on the touch screen, and you can use the seek up/down buttons to skip songs.
I have a Nexus One and while I have gotten both music streaming and phone to work I cant seem to make them both work without telling the car to "connect to phone" or "connect to music device" When I had my iPhone I was able to connect once and it would automatically switch if I wanted to make a call or a call came in. Have you guys gotten around this?
I haven't had this problem with my HTC Droid Incredible. It connects flawlessly and auto-starts the music app. The play/pause and track forward and back buttons worked. I was also able to stop the music app on the phone and start up Pandora. The same buttons worked then, too.
Mine connected automatically too, but then it stopped. It may have been when I paired a second phone. Do you have more than one phone paired? (I play via Bluetooth using a Droid and it was a little confusing to setup. You had to do stuff on the phone to allow it, and the car disconnects the phone while pairing.)
I too had been streaming music from my Droid Incredible to my Prius II via bluetooth, but now it has stopped. Phone calls are routed through the speakers fine, but not the music. My wife may have tried pairing her phone with the car...that may have screwed it up according to a post above...
I have a Prius III without the Nav system. I listen to music and podcasts from my Droid X using a Blackberry Bluetooth Stereo Gateway. This device is connected to the auxiliary jack so that the Droid X audio is piped through the sound system. There are similar devices available at Amazon or other retailers.
Oops I forgot to include a link: http://www.amazon.com/BlackBerry-60-1699-01-RM-Bluetooth-Stereo-Gateway/dp/B001FFRN18.
I can't figure out how to connect my Incredible up to the bluetooth. I am trying to delete my old phone and can't figure out how to do that either and can't find an option to connect a new device. What am I doing wrong? Was trying to search for youtube videos and couldn't find any.
I have a Prius III and a new Samsung Galaxy S Android 2.1. No problems at all.I just followed the instructions.
I connected my US Cellular Samsung Acclaim via bluetooth and it plays thru the bluetooth, front speakers only (?)
You press the Setup button in the lower-right by the touchscreen, then you select Phone on the touchscreen and you can add new phones or delete old ones. You'll have to register your phone here. You also have to select Audio and register your phone there. Note if you can manage some simple programming I highly recommend the "Tasker" app, which will allow you to crank up your Media volume to 15 (that reminds me so much of "This is Spinal Tap!" ) when you connect to your car's Bluetooth, and restore it to its previous value when you disconnect. That way you can use the car's volume knobs to control the full range of volume.
I just got Samsung Epic 4g (from Sprint). BT audio streaming is working, but there is noise in the music. My Itouch64 BT streaming is flawless. And my USB can't find the music files on my Epic. Damn Android!
how do you get it to connect and auto-start the music app? did you have to load an app on your incredible first? i can't fine anything that suggest that i need to but when i connect (i have a 2011 prius w/ nav) i can only play thru the phone and not thru the nav controls. please help!! ~~~~~ ticia
you can use bluemusic a product from teksoft to listen to music, podcasts and other audio through bluetooth. it works with mono headsets, a2dp and carkits and also it has after call resume.