I wonder where the readership of this forum lives. At least the active and responding PriusChat forum members. So please fill in this poll! If I missed a nuance (I know Africa is divers... sorry) please shout out below.
I would give different answers to the Title of the Thread and the actual Poll question. I am FROM Washington state, I live in Mississippi.
Kentucky is one of those middle grounds where we're not really considered north, but we're not really that south either. I suppose that's why the Civil War tore families apart around the region. We definitely don't fall in the mid-west category. If I had to nail myself down to a region I guess I consider myself in the middle-east.
Does anybody know if there is a way to change the title of a post or the poll questions after it's been submitted? ## EDIT: It's been corrected by a moderator, thanks. END EDIT## (why did I make this more complicated that it is: I'm FROM Western Europe and LIVE in the North East part of USA) Sorry for any confusion...
great tip! I did that and the title of the thread is now "where do you live" (much less confusing) thanks to the moderator!
looks like us northeasteners like responding to poles! i think you should have had a northwest though.
When I typed in the message that went along with this poll I started with the following question: The stats from this poll are quite interesting (just to know) and informative too: you can learn from these stats how relevant it is to talk about MPGs or km/l (or in liters/100km for that matter). Or it tells you what you can expect if you post a message about your model Prius that you park in the streets of Guadalajara. I see that there are currently 59 responses to the poll and at the same time more than 300 views. It turns out that we are not going to know much about where the "active members" on PriusChat are from because many members log in and click on threads like these but do not respond. We will only know where the roughly 1 in 5 (or 20%) who actually respond live. For those who have or will respond: thanks! For those who have viewed this and did not respond (or who are currently viewing it and are not planning to respond to the question "Where are you from?"): it's OK. I just want to know where those people live who actually respond... so please DO NOT respond if you just want to look and read, I'm not interested in your response. Well, there is one little loop hole here for you: if you just wanted to look and were thinking of not responding... quickly click on the location that best describes where you live and all of a sudden your location is counted in the statistics!!!! Isn't that cool?
You are totally right that it's an odd list... I searched Google for "regions of the USA" and you have no idea how many different divisions there are... Then I thought: let me see which one is common across official US government websites... but there is no consistency there either! Some divisions have "the south" and then they also have "the south west". To me –and I did not grow up in the US– it's quite confusing: is Virginia Mid-Atlantic or South Atlantic? The "Mid-West" is not really west... I’m sure this list is wrong… sorry. It's still fun to watch the results I think..
Please don't be concerned with your inability to accurately define different US areas, most Americans can't either. I assume this is due to the lack of mobility of their ancestors, and resulting parochialism within the areas where they grew up. For instance, I and my teen-aged peers, living in northern New England, and with some amusement, considered everything on the other side of the Hudson River to be "way out west". On the other hand, I didn't realize until I was an adult that Eastern Europe did not end at the eastern borders of Germany and Austria, and Italy's Adriatic coast, but included all countries from there east to the Ural Mountains. I assume if you had divided the world to accurately reflect all cultures that may own Priuses, even at a gross level, you would have a poll list that exceeded the capacity of this website.... Though I think that level of detail would make for an interesting survey.