On Tuesday June 15 the California Senate Transportation Committee passed AB2628, Representative Pavley's bill allowing some hybrids to use the HOV lanes without passengers and AJR74 the bill asking the US Congress to pass enabling legislation. The votes were both 10-1 in favor. Both bills were sent to the Senate Appropriations Comittee for the next step.
Is it true that even if this bill passes, that the Prius owner WON'T be able to take advantage of the HOV lanes because the bill is written for ONLY those cars with either zero emissions (electric) or those that burn hydrogen (!) or CNG? I hope I'm wrong on this!
The bill is written to allow Hybrid cars which are rated at SULEV or better AND get 45mpg or better combined (I believe). It's not going to be effective, however, until the feds pass or rescend the federal law that is currently preventing hybrids from using the HOV lanes. Once that law is changed, CA will allow the Prius, Insight, and HCH (along with newer cars which meet the above standards) in the HOV lanes with solo drivers - PROVIDED that they have the Clean Air Access stickers on the right rear and rear right side of the bumper. W/o the sticker, you'll still be facing a ticket.
HOV roverman here. I live in florida> I just had my prius "peter" serviced for his first 5000 miles. I switch to full syn. oil. just make me feel better. I noticed while i was there another prius in for service. we spoke and this lady had a HOV sticker on the back of her car. she informed me that for a $5.00 fee per year she can now use the HOV lanes with just her and her prius! cool! I just ordered one. I mean $5.00! I bet next year it will be at least $10.00. Oh, yeah. the last fill-up was 455 miles and he took 8.7 gallons . that is a little over 52.2mpg. I am a happy camper. i started with only 42-45 mpg but since have learned to lighten up on take off and to just take the pressure off the accelorator when i have reached the desired speed. it then will maintain with electric. although very little at first i seem to be getting the hang of it. this last tank was 23 miles over the previous tank and used the exact amount of gas. kool! </span><span style=\'color:darkred\'>
There are other features in the law -- only a limited number of decals will be issued for hybrid cars -- I don't know whether this is greater or less than the number of hybrid cars in California. And the state will be able to have two kinds of HOV lanes those that will allow HOV's with Solo drivers and those that don't.
Anyone has an update on whether AB2628 will be extended beyond the Jan 1, 2011 expiration date or new bill allowing Hybrid/Plug-Hybrid w/HOV lane access similar to AB2628. I search the forum and didn't find any new post re: this; also went to the DMV and DOT side and couldn't find anything either. Appreciate the update: I have a 2001 Prius w/the HOV sticker; inq mind wants to know. Thanks!
my bet is that it'll never get extended. in fact, it'll just end without a peep. the news will have a couple of simple stories, and you'll never hear another word. by the way, did you see this??? No More Free Parking in CA? (KNX 1070 NEWSRADIO) - No more free parking in California, if some lawmakers have their way. The state Senate has approved a plan that would encourage cities to ban free parking, by offering them more money for transit projects if they do it. The bill's author, Long Beach Democrat Alan Lowenthal, says letting people park for free is bad for the environment because it promotes driving instead of using bikes or mass transit. Republicans oppose the bill, saying the state just shouldn't get involved in parking issues.
Here's the update: Ready? Read my lips, NO new HOV extensions for solo drivers! In fact, no matter how often folks revive ancient threads started a half decade ago, it's the same answer. On a serious note, if you really really want to drive solo in the HOV lane, buy a new or used Honda CNG, or any other converted CNG vehicle for that matter. Their stickers will still be good. Otherwise people, you'll have to car-pool. Eee gad! wow ... and people think WE have issues? .
You mean CNG powered vehicles with solo drivers will still be allowed in HOV lanes? Stupid? .... Yes! HOV stands for High Occupancy Vehicles. That does not mean that one man and 4 dogs qualifies! Allowing solo driver hybrids in HOV lanes was illogical from the get-go. Traffic congestion here in Southern Cal will only worsen until one or both of the following happen: 1. The population decreases. 2. Gas prices go North of $4/USG.
Update: SB535 Hope this passes. I commute from the Berkeley area to San Jose via 880/101; my commute today is tolerable w/the carpool sticker. It would extend the carpool sticker program for hybrids an extra six months, to July 1, 2011, if approved by the Legislature and signed into law. Otherwise, the 85,000 solo drivers in the Toyota Prius, Honda Civic and Honda Insight who now have those yellow stickers will get booted out of the diamond lane on Jan. 1, 2011. It also would permit as many as 40,000 plug-ins to use carpool stickers until Jan. 1, 2015. These stickers would be green.
I just found this online (cant link yet, newbie) aroundthecapitol.com/billtrack/vote.html?bill=200920100AB1500&vdt=2010-06-21+14%3A07%3A00&vds=1024 and aroundthecapitol.com/billtrack/text.html?bvid=20090AB150093CHP From what I am gathering both the Assembly and Senate has approved the extension to 2015, and has been approved by the Governor? Am I reading this right? Edit: seems that was for the white stickers, not prius yellow stickers, but did find this on SB535 aroundthecapitol.com/billtrack/text.html?bvid=20090SB53590CHP