While I'm almost certain that this would void the warranty, has there been any user development of alternate screens for the MFD? I would love to be able to customize the static screen to display the information I want, rather than the geewhiz information we're presented in the Energy or Consumption screens. I'd like to see a combo screen that displays: Current radio station and MSG (song title) ---- Outside weather / Auto Temp ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battery strength bar ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Current MPG Trip MPG & [RESET BUTTON]
There are a few guys testing a prototype of something really cool. Search for CAN-View. It's not quite ready yet, but it's really sweet. Hang tight!
I tried, and couldn't find anything. Did the posts get lost in the crash? Also, Google doesn't seem to like the dash, so I get a ton of nonspecific hits
I'm in the process of recovering the CAV-VIEW thread here... http://priuschat.com/index.php?showtopic=11644
Nope, not what he is talking about. CAN-VIEW is a device that is similar to ScanGuage, but puts its user interface to the car's MFD. I believe it even takes advantage of the touch screen. It is supposed to work with non NAV Prius as well, since he was able to trick the MFD to accept and display the RGBS inputs that still exist in the non nav MFD, though not documented. I believe PriusOnline has a thread or two on this device.