Hey all.. I have a 07 Prius. Red triangle came up. car would not start.. I turned off the car, checked the service plug and it was OK. Car still wouldnt start.. Took out plug and put it back in, and .... It starts and runs fine... any ideas? This happened after I installed the PHEV system, but not since...
Need to know which code to hazard a guess. That said, the first thing I would look for is HV current leakage. I have seen pictures of a car with an Enginer system in it that had a butt splice on an HV cable that would intermittantly allow leakage to the chassis. Eric Adopt A Part 303-296-2211
Yes, it was probubly the plug. Go to the Enginerforum. http://www.enginer.us/forum/index.php?topic=168.0 Thanks, Dan
The plug is inserted properly. When I push the power button with the brake depressed this is what happens. The dash lights up. Error message on the screen.. little pic of a car with exclamation point. then 2 distinct clicks from where the out lines are on the HV battery. No start I dont have the $$ to take to a toyota dealer and have it scanned. 250-300 everywhere I have called... HELP! I have work/school and no car.
how about checking the 12V battery? i had a bunch of warning lights, triangle light came on, and would not start-up, and it happened to be the 12V battery dying. i'm assuming the plug is mainly for the traction battery.
That sounds like the contactors in the battery are throwing open because the car is sensing HV current leakage. Following the standard precautions for dealing with the HV system. (disconnect 12v batt first, then pull service plug, then wait 15 min) Take a good detailed look at all of the wiring inside the enginer box and going out of it. Look very carefully at the wiring to see if there is any abrasion or visible conductor at any junctions or connections. If you had an insulation tester it would be straightforward to check. But if you don't, just do a thorough visual. If you see anything questionable, insulate it. Ideally with heat shrink tube. I would not recommend it to anyone as a permanent fix, but even electrical tape would help isolate it. (fix it right when you have more time, don't depend on electrical tape for 240v!) Where are you located? Eric
I am sorry, you are not making sense to me. I the first message you say... Then in this later message... Is the car now working or not? Anyway, did you read the Enginer post on the plug? You need to do 3 distinct and separate actions to get the plug in. Everyone forgets the 3 action. 1. insert 2. rotate the handle 3. slide the plug Did you slide the plug? Also turn off the dash switch before turning on the car. If the green light on the dash switch is on before the car goes ready you will get a code. Finally cycle the car off and on a few times. You will still get errors after fixing the problem for the next on cycle but it will normally clear on the third cycle if you have corrected the problem. If this does not work then you need to go to an authorized Enginer installer to have them check your work in person. Thanks, Dan
Okay- I know how the plug works. Not that. The ready wire actually worked itself loose on the HV pack- 3weeks after the PHEV install. Now it runs/drives as normal. The car starting and running was intermittent. sorry for the confusion.
Thanks for helping me understand. So now this sounds like a weak 12v battery. Many, many differing problems have been reported with a week 12v battery. Including unintended acceleration. I personally had an intermittent VSC light that was corrected when I put in a optima 12v battery. As the car tries to boot up the various computers it is possible for the 12v to droop. Then the DC/DC converter kicks in and the 12v comes back up. Even it the car goes ready OK you can have computers that did not boot or synchronize communications properly and then you can have errors. Thanks, Dan