"Officers closed the intersection for about five hours. Investigators were still determining who may have been at fault in the collision, Schlief said." Duh??? Well let's see - Prius makes a left turn right in front of the motorcycle. Motorcycle crashes into the passenger side of the Prius. Who would you guess is at fault? Probably the motorcycle is at fault, because he didn't hear the Prius coming, or maybe the Prius didn't hear the electric motorcycle coming. I'm so confused...... Keith
First, let me say I'm a rider. Riders who want to stay alive need to EXPECT vehicles to turn left in front of them abruptly, without signaling, and adapt, generally by choosing an appropriate speed. It's part of the lugnuts law. The vehicle with the most lugnuts has the right of way.
+1. Also a (sport) rider here. Always riding as if I'm "invisible" (not invincible!). Never heard the lugnuts law, but man did it strike immediate sense. Good one. Edit: OK, I'm not giving a Can-Am the right of way over me.
Nice theory, but you aren't in control of all the factors. Some years ago an automobile made an abrupt turn in front a member of my family while she was riding a bicycle. Nowhere to make an evasive maneuver, she hit the brakes and hit the front fender (passenger side), flew off the bike and splattered on windshield like a bug. A lot of broken bones and a bicycle helmet split in two like a coconut. Fortunately she recovered. I really enjoy riding a motorcycle (and bicycle), but as paranoid as I am (and a defensive rider), riding a motorcycle is still far more dangerous than anything else I do (including flying small airplanes) - especially here in the San Francisco Bay Area where so many drivers are so absorbed in themselves and using their cell phones and texting while attempting to operate a motor vehicle. Keith
I saw my first electric motorcycle at 2008 Hybridfest which is why this accident attracted my attention. The one I saw looked like a 'ball of batteries' but the potential was there. I've got an electric bike, good for tooling around the neighborhood but I also know it is an 'invisibility machine.' Drivers just don't see us. Bob Wilson
Agreed! This is one of his machines: I understand some of these electric bikes have done 0-60 in one second. By any measure that is beyond 'Biblically fast.' Bob Wilson
Odd twist in the sometimes sad irony of the universe that this accident happened to include an Electric Motorcycle and a Hybrid Prius...but once again, ultimately it's simply a tragic accident. My guess is that the fact that the motorcycle was electric, and The Vehicle was a Prius, ultimately has little to do with the unfolding of the events that lead to two vehicles colliding. As the world fills with more and more electric vehicles, hybrids and Prius, just expect that you will have more and more reported accidents with same vehicles. Sad, when it becomes fatal.
Fixed link: http://www.clutchandchrome.com/images/stories/News/2010-08/39.jpg Looked pretty good, not like a wimpy bike.
You can SIPDE all you want, but if someone abruptly turns in front of you when you're going 40mph, it's good-night Irene.
not the same person drag bike 0-60 in 0.97 seconds [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1pM1j2d1RMU"][/ame]