I am looking to buy a new Prius with OEM toyota tinting. The dealer wants the full MSRP $399. Is that fair or can i get a better tint for lesser price after market? I live in Atlanta GA, so anyone has done aftermarket tinting, I would appreciate any referals to good tinting places. Thanks Rama. P.S: I did not find any thread that mentioned this.
I am looking to buy a new Prius with OEM toyota tinting. The dealer wants the full MSRP $399. Is that fair or can i get a better tint for lesser price after market? I live in Atlanta GA, so anyone has done aftermarket tinting, I would appreciate any referals to good tinting places. Thanks Rama.
Tell them to throw in the tint for free or you'll go to another dealer. Negotiate for your car, get what you want, dont let them make you pay for things the rest of us got for free. The dealer i bought the car from threw in free tint, paint sealant protection, and some interior protection crap for free, otherwise it was $1000 MSRP. Toyota doesn't OEM tint. Dealers just contract out to a private vendor to tint all their cars for them. As for tinting prices, you're looking for about $200 on average.
I've received two quotes, Auto Spa in Marietta (corner of 41 and Windy Hill) quoted me $229.00 and Xtreme Auto Lighting in Kennesaw quoted me $195.00. I'm still looking, but have had two other vehicles tinted by Auto Spa and am very happy with the job they did. On my Fit they even did the SUV tint on the back windows and the darkest legal tint on the front passenger windows, it looks awesome. Thinking of having the same done on the Prius.
I've received two quotes, Auto Spa in Marietta (corner of 41 and Windy Hill) quoted me $229.00 and Xtreme Auto Lighting in Kennesaw quoted me $195.00. I'm still looking, but have had two other vehicles tinted by Auto Spa and am very happy with the job they did. On my Fit they even did the SUV tint on the back windows and the darkest legal tint on the front passenger windows, it looks awesome. Thinking of having the same done on the Prius. I posted in your other thread as well, not sure why there are two...
I stand corrected, 32kcolors, That is what I meant not OEM. .. Port equipped /Post Production option. thank you colonel, I will try to talk to him about throwing it in. Knowing my options helps me either get the tinting from him or from someone else post purchase.
Always happy to help! Is the tint already on the Prius you are looking at? If so, sometimes the best approach is act like you don't want it and have them remove price of the tint from the deal! That is of course if they don't have an identical car on the lot without the tint! If it doesn't have the Port installed tint already on it, then you aren't going to get that tint anyway, even if they agree to tint it for free. They will have a local shop do it for them, so if they offer to do it free or at a huge discount, it might be worth it, but if they want the $399 they ask for the port installed tint, pass and get it done yourself. I have an appointment this Friday at Team, and I'm going to ask Jason if he can get me a discount on the tint and see where they get it done. I'll decide how to proceed from there...
Paul, I am guessing the Prius I want does not have it and that's why all this fuss by the dealer. They have been very nice to me on other things so I don't want to waste too much time and energy on bargaining for their tinting. I can easily get it tinted post purchase. I will be curious to know what Jason quotes you for the tint job. I did inquire on the tinting details and Team Toyota told me they would do a DigiFilm Film tint with 35% VLT (legal limit in GA)
Toyota dealership is charging $199.00 for installed tint here (don't know what kind). I saw a shop offering tint for $99.00 installed.
Just got my Prius on Monday and had the same tint discussion with the dealer. They also told me around $400 originally. We all know that all a dealership does is hire a tint expert to come in, charge them about next to nothing, and easily do a 200% markup. Its just a game. I called around to several tint companies for quotes, and found around $150 to be the going rate in Phoenix. When I told my salesman that I had a guy coming to the house the next day to do my tint for that price he didn't even hesitate to match the price. Once again it pays to do the research before signing the final deal.
Is there such thing as OEM tinting? The reason I ask because most dealerships, just contract out a shop they know that does a "decent" job and charge a premium. At least when you go out yourself, you can pick the brands and types of tint, such as huper optik or madico ceramic. I ended up tinting my car recently with Madico 30% all around.