Just bought a white 2010 prius 3 bisque interior but it has black floor mats.... hate em.... I cant find the toyota rubber ones and I was looking at weather tec floor liners does anyone have them with the bisque cloth seats if so how do they fit and does the color match... Thanks Cindy
I have a model IV blizzard with bisque interior. I ordered the weathertech in black because I like the contrast. Look above and see "Shop". They are custom cut to the Prius and fit beautifully. $104.95 for the front with shipping.
I felt the same way, But I'm over it!! Takes a while but you will get use to it. I like them now!!:nod: I'm Still looking for some good all weather mats.
The Weathertech products (the liners are great) seem to come in three colors. The gray are perfect with my interior. Maybe the beige will work for you, but owners need to tell you that.
I have had the Toyota weather mats and they are junk. There is no rim around the mat to hold water in. It goes all over the carpet. Horrible design. I currently have the WeatherTech liner. This is a little better. The side is low on the driver side and you will get water all over the carpet. Also they do not have fins, when snow melts it creates a huge puddle that your shoes have to sit in while you drive. The water is very cold when you enter the car on a winter day. There are no good winter mats for the 2010 Prius at this time.
this is a bummer. i got over the black mats on my bisque interior as well, but i really like rubber mats better. bought some tan ones but they don't match really at all. Seems like since the newest Tundra came out, Toyota has color issues. there's no less than 4 interior colors in my prius, and i think that's just too much.
I just bought a red Prius (beige interior)this weekend. They didn't have the mats and had to go back to get them. They brought out dark gray mats. I couldn't believe it. I was told that's the only color available now, no matter the interior color. Why are they only offering one color? It looks terrible with the beige interior!
@ Judge and others: WeatherTech makes two types of floormats. Like the ones the Judge just posted, I bought them and QUICKLY returned them when I got them! I didn't bother to install them because of the EXACT issue that Judge had with the water spilling when "puddles" of water is gathered from MELTING snow... HOWEVER: WeatherTech makes a BETTER version ($$$) call the DIGITAL FIT version which forms a small "bathtub" for lack of a better word. The edges of the DIGITAL FIT mats has a one inch "wall" all around to hold the melted snow so that it doesnt spill. It is more expensive but these are the mats that I decided to pick up..!
i am still looking for good mats for my 2010 prius. i had a look at those digital fit that you are talking about, however, it seems to me from seeing picture from actual people, that they are slightly different than the ones pictured in prius shop. they have good edge, except closer to the seat and the gas latch. it looks like the water from the melted snow would go right over that since there are basically NO ledge. any thoughts?