my name is Tony and I just bought a '10 Prius this morning. Does anyone know where I can get a list of the customizable parameters that can be done with the Techstream? Thanks
Yo Tony, welcome aboard! There are a couple of good threads the talk about the Techstream and the use of the ScanGuage. There is an online spreadsheet of ODBII codes as well. Will post when I find em or you can use the search function in the upper right corner of this page.
Also in your manual is a complete list of changes the dealer can do with their computer, sorry dont remember page numbers
Print the sheets and check off the ones you want done and take it to dealer and tell them you want this work done before delivery. If they want to charge you tell them to stick it.
OK, here is the thread that discusses the ScanGuageII. The spreadsheet can be found here. I guess TechStream can view the other busses in the Prius so that would be the ultimate scanner for the Prius, but expensive. If you just want to set things like the seatbelt chime and door locks, etc. I would see the dealer first (using that list that was mentioned). Enjoy the ride!
I had the dealer turn on the alarm in my Tundra with the Techstream. The techs didn't even know it could be done. I learned how on a Tundra forum and showed them. I'm wondering if it can be done on the Prius as well?
This is good advice. I did this and the dealer customized several of the options on the Customizable Features. They had no issue with it and it took the tech about 10 minutes. Good luck.
Ha..after reading the Scangauge thread I have more questions. How do I tell which Scangauge version I have. It is about 2 years old if that helps.
There is a sequence of buttons to get to the version. Do you still have your manual? If not, I think you can get it online @ their site. You probably have 3.15.