Tried an unsuccessful search. Has anyone found a diagram of what the dashboard symbols are. Specifically, I have a yellow light on the extreme right of the MID next to the red word "brake." Can't find anything in the obtuse owner's manual.
Sounds like the parking brake is on. There is a light and the word "brake" on the far right side of the display when you haven't released the parking break.
You might want to download the Owner's Manual and Navigation Manual on PDF. It's a lot easier to find stuff in the Manuals if you do word or phrase searches of the Manuals on PDF. In post #86 of the following thread, I've provided links to the Manuals on PDF:
My PDF verion of the 2010 Prius Manual goes to p. 616. This is the version that contains the corrected minimum octane rating (87), not the incorrect one (88.) I believe it was issued in January, though I could be mistaken. The paper manual probably has a different page count, but I rarely refer to it anymore, as it sits in the glove box and I spend more time on my laptop than in my car. So no, I am not joking. Sorry for the confusion.