I've gone in the chatroom a couple times and never see anyone there. Does anybody use this feature? Are there any regularly-scheduled chat times or anything?
I do occasionally, but the main problem I have is when the website doesn't update properly and still lists one person in there. I pop in for a quick chat and find that person has already logged out, but it hasn't shown it. Most annoying. I vastly prefer realtime chats ala IRC though, it's much easier to have a realtime conversation.
I'm still working on a new chat. Things have been super busy for me lately so it's kinda at the bottom of a list that includes my taxes
I popped in on a Friday evening a few weeks ago -- it was hopping then (3 people when I got on, 2 more showed up when I left to go to bed.) I admit, being an old fogey, that I'm less familiar with these new-fangled chatrooms than good ol' back-and-forth posted threads of discussion. But it was fun.
Sounds like a good use for the Calendar... Hey Moderators, how about posting scheduled chat times on the Calendar (is that new or am I just now noticing it because I saw the new look for the forums?). Of course, one could always check out the "Who is Online" feature in the left panel and PM someone to suggest a chat.
Re: Sounds like a good use for the Calendar... John, I think that's a great idea....but I don't think Danny's got the chatroom feature set up here yet, if he does I can't find it, and that, in itself, will be a problem for getting people involved. I think this is also a feature that need not be handled by Danny or us mods....I think individual members should be able to schedule events like that, particularly if you want the chat talk to be themed.... 1)June 3rd--Those still waiting 2)June 4th--Those feeling smug about having their Prius in an era of high gas prices. 3)June 5th--Those who want to join BigBaldCuban in a nice saute' of toenails. etc.... :wink:
We'll tackle this as soon as I get the chatroom back up. But, yes, I agree with you Evan. Perhaps someone would like to be the chat facilitator? I really need to reinstall the Spellcheck.... :roll:
Danny, if you like, i run a small private irc server that i could host a channel for this site. people could connect through mirc or whatever desired client. there are also web based clients out there that newbies could use for ease of introduction. -drew
Ok, Beta Testing the new Chatroom. I'm still working on a way to add the information of who is in the chat to the Who Is Online section of the site. Let me know what you think! It's an IRC-based chat. There will be a prompt when you first go in saying "The test root has not been enabled as a trusted root" and it asks you to install and run "c:\windows\TEMP\JVM5134.TMP", which is distributed by "Plouf". This is completely safe and does not cause any harm to your system. Don't worry http://www.priuschat.com/forums/chat.php Let me know what you think! Danny
I did not get asked to install and run that thing, but I did have to click 'yes' for something or other...maybe it was that? When I logged onto the chatroom it took quite a while to load, showed a bunch of code that I wasn't sure if it meant there was a problem, but it seemed to say that it knew who I was. But then I tried to type a message and when I hit 'enter' it said I didn't have a channel.... It was nearly a full minute later when it finally 'assigned' a channel for me and the chatroom worked fine at that point. It showed "Drew" to be in there, but he didn't respond to my chatter. The features I could test seemed to work well. I had trouble, initially, with Netscape, but it may be that I hadn't waited long enough for the channel to get assigned...I'll try again and let you know if there are persistant problems.