Hi everyone! I just traded in my 2007 Ford F150 pickup (15mpg) for a 2008 Prius. My truck was the first new vehicle I ever bought, and I thought I'd be devestated to give it up. (I had to give it up due to personal finances.) I've driven my new Prius for only 2 days, and LOVE it! Truck, WHAT truck??? I've been scanning through lots of threads and am slowly learning how to drive this thing for max fuel economy. It seems terrain plays a big role, so I thought I'd see if there were other Prius drivers in the Northeast U.S. Small hills, big hills, snow, rain, 20 degree temps, 100 degree temps, humidity, dirt roads, gravel roads, oil+stone roads - you name it, we have it! I don't think there is such a thing as a constant driving environment here! Would love to hear your experiences, tips, etc. Having a blast learning - I'm hooked already!
:welcome: and well done. more people who drive pick ups and don't use them as intended should read your story! all the best!
Welcome. I'm not sure how the Prius goes in the snow or at 20degrees, just got ours in June, but it goes ok on all the other PA. roads. We took a drive up to the Mohegan Sun and it did just fine on the NE ext's big hills. Good luck,Jay
Not from the Northeast but from North Dakota where the temps can get -30 or colder and the snow deep. I have had my 07 Prius for the past two winters and even with no engine heater, my Prius has ALWAYS started even at -30, it drives better in snow and slush then many cars I've owned. I had to make a trip to MPLS, MN, I hit a blizzard and had to still drive, I past 14 vehicles in the ditch but never felt scared, my Prius drove great.
I be a newbie and from Northeastern PA! I replaced my 2005.5 VW Jetta diesel. Was a nice car, but I felt like VW should have payed me for the work I had to do to keep er goin.... The TDI was nice on the hills with it's power(it was chipped and I had a after market camshaft), but 41-43 mpg was the best I could get.... Everytime I look at the MPG I get giddy! 4 tank fulls, (42, 56, 52, 53)The first tank it could not bee full.... I love the ride of my new beast. The Jetta roda like a paint shaker! Of all things, I ordered and received the engine heater. I loved it (and needed it on the TDI) it definitely help improve the MPG on cold days! Were is Dubin, PA? See ya around. Keith
Welcome! Agree about the inconstant driving conditions. Consider coming to Watkins Glen, NY for the Green Grand Prix. You'll learn plenty there!
Hello, Welcome! I am also a new prius owner since this summer. I bought a 05, and have put around 10k miles on it. It performs great in the mountains. I am getting 45 constantly and probably could get more if I tried harder. I do not really do to much pulse and gliding, unless I'm in city driving. When I go on long trips I easily get 50, and these usually include lots of hills. Again, Welcome!