+2 on your thread title. The comments after the article are a hoot, the irrational fanboism of the hydrogenistas puts our Priusista fanboism to shame.
This is a non-event. I didn't bother reading many comments, but the first one sums up my reaction best: "And we've never had a refinery explosion or one at a gas station?" Okay, I'm not a fan of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, but anytime you get an energy-dense storage unit (including lithium-ion batteries, gas tanks or rocket fuel), there's potential of the energy getting out of hand. Generally a hydrogen fire will burn up, not out, and people standing nearby won't be hurt. Except in a case like this where it's a tank that explodes under pressure (and there's good odds this started from an external fire that didn't involve hydrogen). Compressed natural gas tanks would have the same risk, although the pressures are probably not as high (previous to being in a fire, anyway).
Energy comes in many forms but hydrogen is one of least desirable: highest flamability range difficult to store and transport expensive to produce It just doesn't make sense with what we know today. R&D, yes and even a few technology demonstrators but seriously, it is not there. Give me a fuel-cell powered battery for my laptop and I'll change my mind. But so far, there is no 'there there.' Bob Wilson
Agreed....especially since it's still not an energy source yet. You need an energy source in order to produce hydrogen, and I've noticed hydrogen proponents always overlook this fact. The one time I tried debating with such a chap, his main argument was that there's a theoritical clean hydrogen converter that could be online in 50 years. Until then, maybe hydrogen will be derived from the wind turbines that T Boone Pickens is investing in: every one wants a peice of the pie!