New story today on CNN/Money about the top ten mileage cars. The Insight was first with the Prius a strong second. The Honda Civic Hybrid was not there. I think that might just be an oops on the part of CNN. Read more. Edit: I heard back from CNN on their error. "Thanks for writing. We recently added the following information to the story. Mileage estimates for the redesigned 2006 Honda Civic hybrid are not yet available. The 2005 version ranked fourth overall last year, behind two versions of the Insight and the Prius."
They still fail to point out that the Insight is being seriously deprecated by Honda and doesn't make PZEV emission standards for 2005. Also, what do you expect? A smaller, lighter car shouldn't do better in MPG? I think it's just the anti-Prius sentiment (sometimes anti-hybrid) that CNN tends to have. I'm surprised they didn't point out their other articles stating hybrids 'don't' make the mileage claims.
The article says ". . .Mileage estimates for the redesigned 2006 Honda Civic hybrid are not yet available. The 2005 version ranked fourth overall last year, behind two versions of the Insight and the Prius. . . ." Implying that the list is for 2006 models and the Honda was deliberately excluded due to the missing data. It is not explicitly stated that it is a 2006 list.
Just drove my new prius to work. She is cool . Actually I sold the 2001 prius I have had and got this one. I am having a hard time with the smart entry device. My demonstrations to coworkers on the smart entry system was a bust nevertheless folks seem very impressed barring my dang 3 year old . I aked him if he loved Bunder ( his name for our prius) he promptly replied " Nope I like hummer paused for a while and added corette -Corvette" I live in a neighborhood infested with Hummers. Dang that oil guzzling republican kid can call uncle bushie for college funds.
When opening the door make sure you don't push the button. That was my first mistake at the dealer. I thought you had to push the button while pulling the handle. Just pull the handle to open, but not too fast. Wait for the beeps and you can hear the door unlock. The handle button is just for locking all the doors and arming the alarm.
And remember to actually put your hand near the handle. My first mistake was that I thought the locks would open by just walking near (as it really might do). I also had troubles with the start button before I did read the manual. I just couldn't understand why the ready light sometimes was there and sometimes wasn't.
I was passed by a Honda Insight on Central Expressway yesterday, it was nice to see another hybrid car. That narrow-tail design is neat, but I'll stick to my Prius for carrying 'tronics junque and my bike, thanks. I'm basically expecting my Prius to do what a toyota minivan used to, and so far it's not let me down.
Is there actually such a vehicle as a "Lexus RX400h 2WD", as listed in the #9 position on their list? Not that I'd ever consider a 2WD version, but I've never seen Lexus mention anything other than the AWD version.
I don't think it will hold quite as much as a minivan, but I did get a 50 gallon water heater into mine.