While driving out of a bank drive thru, I cut the turn too sharp and scraped the right rear wheel. Since then, I lose air when the car is driven. When it's sitting in the garage, I don't lose air which leads me to believe, I have a problem with the wheel itself. I suspect, when I make turns, somehow, air leaks out of the tire. Does this sound possible? I'm sure the dealer will sell me one for an inflated price but I need another more reasonable source.Junk yard? Also, when lookig for a wheel, what year Prius can also fit the 05 which is what I have. Are the wheels the same from 04 - 10? Thanks.
dan1520, The wheels are identical on the '04-'09 Prius. These folks are a Prius specific salvage yard and are known for their low prices and prompt service: 04 and newer Prius Parts Cars As an aside, I'm wondering if there's any way to re-straighten the bent rim of your wheel. It seems like a risky business what with work-hardening, micro-cracks and other potential difficulties/safety issues. I hope another member will comment on this.
People with expensive aftermarket wheels get their rims fixed all the time, although this is variable with the extent of the damage. First thing I would do is contact a local wheel repair shop.
I was going to chime in with my suggested source, and I was beaten to the punch. Both links from ursle & Rokeby go to the same place. I'll add my voice, Steve will take good care of you.