In our area, I have only seen Tan, Silver, Black, and a single Salsa Red Prii. What areas receive each color? (and) What is the color distribution. Is it highly unlikely that I'll ever see my Seaside Pearl Prius in Cleveland, Ohio?
Back in Feb 04 it seems the original color distributions were: 30% Silver 20% White 15% Seaside 10% Black 10% Tideland 10% Driftwood 5% Salsa But they could have modified it by now, a couple of times
Toyota SILVER, like most others is TOO DARK. Silver tends to be hard to see against backgrounds of highway or sky. SAFETY is why aircraft are painted bright colors. WHITE, Light Yellow, Orange, or Pink are the BEST to Avoid accidents. Plus, they can be seen at Night and they Reflect Heat when parked in the Summer Sun.
Silver holds up well in area with high incoming solar radiation. Wax holds well on silver cars in areas with high summer temperatures. Doesn't show the dirt. Easy to keep clean.
Does anyone have any idea about differences to auto insurance costs? What are the least expensive colors to insure?
Huh? Our Seaside Pearl is very definitely BLUE. Tideland is the one that is supposed to be green, but the few I've seen have looked like very dark gray (at least under the light conditions in which I've seen them).
In my area, Seaside is extremely popular. Heck, where I work I see at least 4 of them including my Prius. Our Seaside is like everyone elses Silver! I think all the Seasides come to New England .
Around here, it's yellow Yellow Cab that is. As for private owned Priuses, I guess silver is the most popular, followed by black/seaside as a tie.
WHITE should be less expensive to maintain. Most colors are Metalic and require the entire car to be repainted for a good match. Plus, the Titanium Dioxide pigment in the White paint is a very Stable Compound that does not fade. Spot repairs therefore are easy to match.
I drive a Tideland Pearl that has only looked green to me once or twice, otherwise it is gray...which suits me I guess. (looks good with the gray decals) In my area I've seen: several silvers and seaside pearls, 1 salsa, 2 driftwood, 2 white, 2 Tidelands (including my own) but have yet to see a black. BTW,I wave to all I see which drives my husband crazy!
That's great. I hok and wave at every Prius I see - it drives my wife crazy! Right now, I get some weird looks because I'm still waiting on my 2006 Seaside. Lol. Oh day I wont be that weirdo driving a '92 Camry stalking Prii. Instead, I'll be the weirdo driving the '06 Prius stalking Prii.
While traveling in the DC/Virginia area, was flabbergasted to see three other salsa red Pria driving in the five lanes. That's four red Pria, including Foxy, all in view at the same time! Not only was it the first time I had seen three other Pria whizzing along, in a single setting, but to realize there were FOUR red ones...!
Whoops! Thanks, Potential. That's what happens when I depend on my husband's decades-old memories of latin classes.
SF Bay area here and silver by far is the most popular. Next, are metallic Blue, then Gold, White, Black, and pulling up the rear, my color, SALSA RED. I could not be more happy both with the color and the lack of like minded buyers. With the white decals, red side mouldings, and my wife driving, it's one of a kind! -Paul R. Haller-
Salsa Red is a stiking color - I haven't seen very many cars with similar shades in our area. As soon as I saw my first one, I was quite taken.