In order to extend battery life, I usually keep bluetooth off on my iPhone (I have a short commute and rarely make or receive calls on the road). So, typically I get in the car, get the "bluetooth connection failed" message on the MFD, and go on my way. Occasionally while on the road with BT off on my phone, I'll realize I need to make a call. I turn on BT on my phone, but the Prius doesn't connect. Since the car is in motion, I can't select a telephone on the MFD. Is there a way to connect to BT once the car is started without coming to a stop and selecting the phone via the MFD's "select telephone" feature? I only have one phone set up (mine), so it isn't a matter have the Prius set to connect to a different phone.
No. But there are workarounds. 1. Install a speed sensor defeat switch (this is what I've done so that my wife and I can switch between phones mid-drive). 2. Add a charging cable or dock for your phone, eliminating the need to turn off BT to save battery
I am able to do this HOWEVER it could be because I have the Loc #3 basic from CoastalTech. $99 and unlocks the navigation (not promoting it). Turning on bluetooth in the car is tricky enough with 4 steps within the iPhone (dumb). I also put a dock on the dash and ran the wires behind the power button dash (easy). Tied in the ipod/iphone into the aux. Download a free app for a nice digital clock and get rid of the GREEN display clock.
Assuming you only have a need to connect with one handset, why can't you just leave that phone selected with "Auto-Connect" turned on, and just turn on or off the bluetooth on the device to determine when you want to connect?
Well, because once the car is on, turning on bluetooth on my iPhone doesn't result in a connection. I've found that the Prius will only connect to the phone via Bluetooth if Bluetooth has PREVIOUSLY been enabled on the phone (that is, turned on on the phone BEFORE powering up the Prius). So, if I forget to turn on BT on the phone before starting up the car, I'm hosed! I have to stop the car so that the MFD display allows me to get into "Settings" and select the phone. Do you have a different experience?
camber has it correct. Once you start the car it looks oy once for a Bluetooth and not again. Turning on bluetooth after the car is started will not rescan for a device which is not how any other Bluetooth on the market works.
Hmmm, are you guys sure? In my 2005 Prius, I can turn on BT on my cell anytime, and it connects to the Prius. Has Toyota gone backwards on usability?
Maybe it's a difference in phone, but I just got a 2009 Prius, and have trouble connecting while moving. Maybe I just haven't figured it out yet, I had BT turned on my phone, set Prius to Autoconnect to BT and still I have to go through connection manually each time (which it won't let you do while moving), and now, my phone has lost the Prius as a potential device - so I don't know if I'm just BT stupid or what. Even my daughter had trouble with her phone. And, that's the other thing, I'm just trying to figure out how to get two phones programmed or delete an old one. Guess I need to get my son to do it. The manual doesn't much help. Gotta find my phone manual to see if I can find any tips there. Not as easy as I thought it would be, but very handy when it does work.
The main reason for using Bluetooth is to keep your hands free. Fussing with turning it on while driving kind of defeats the purpose. This is one of those times when too much thinking is bad. Just turn on the Bluetooth before driving and be done with it. Tom
Well, of course, that's the best way to do it! The trouble is that I'm not always smart enough to remember to turn on BT on the phone before getting into the car. I don't use BT very often in the car (or anywhere else!), so I keep BT off on my phone by default in order to save battery power. And, it strikes me that while my Prius is trying to help keep me safe by disabling phone connection while moving, it is pretty inconsistent about what it does and does not allow me to do. While I'm zipping along the freeway at 65mph the car is quite happy to allow me to push all sorts of buttons on the MFD while in map mode, from changing the zoom to changing the format of the screen (split screen, etc.), to marking the point where I'm at. If the Prius all those things are safe, why does it think that selecting a phone while moving is somehow unsafe?
A speed sensor defeat switch is very useful, if this issue bothers you that much. And it's not that hard to implement either.
I have to agree with the battery power and the reasoning. Whether it's safe or not isn't the point. Every other BT device constantly scans for new devices. I too find the problem with two phones and the connect thing. I have 2 iphones registered and both can connect at any time while driving which gets to be confusing when both of us are in the car and get calls BUT again I have the Loc mod which may or may not be the reason I can connect on the fly. Perhaps as zenMachine said the speed sensor mod is the best for your application. It is easy and is minor modification. I've seen too rather than an actual switch put a reed magnetic contact in the drop down under the radio. Drop it down breaks the speed switch, put it back up and it connects. No outside switch.