I think you could call her "White trash" Story: Woman seen on video dumping cat in trash - World news - Europe - msnbc.com
Unless there were mice in that bin she was sharing with the cat, she needs to be arrested, fined, publicly humiliated..
She has received death threats. Typed as a twin of this cat - also dumped the past winter, is molesting my keyboard
I'm not a cat fan but this woman definitely has some form of mental illness. Good job his camera was recording. If they hadn't had the camera running then pussy would be squished when the bin wagon arrived. Apparantly he'd had trouble with his neighbours bumping his car whilst parking.
:O!?? Poor Princess Meow Meow. That woman has issues, now I've met people that don't like cats but I seriously doubt that they would toss one in a trash can like she did. She even looks all sadistic, the cat was all nice and came up to her and she pet him, then she looks around and opens the trash can, then wack. Poor cat.
Won't happen. In 'animal loving Britain', what she did isn't a criminal offence so the police are only interested in issuing threats to those who would like to stuff that woman in a similar bin...
The incredible 4chan got her personal info and workplace info hours after the video was posted. She's now in protective custody. As proof of 4chan's abilities just google 4chan and cat abuse.....some idiot kid posted video of himself torchering a cat and within the day he was under arrest, let alone all the nasty "life hacking" he suffered.
My cat deserves the dust bin, but just when I am ready to toss her, she ends up sleeping in some cute little furry ball and I go all soft and say "Awww, little cutie." Cats are sneaky like that. Tom
Considering the gruesome and often lethal cruelty we routinely inflict on everything that moves or breathes, especially ourselves, so common we have a word, schadenfreude, to use when we take delight in another's discomfort, I think most of the tears being shed here are crocodile tears, speaking of which had she plopped a cute baby reptile into the barrel I don't think all the sanctimonious foofrah would have been so uproarious. That she received death threats says about all that needs to be said about our so-called "reverence" for life.
What I actually find really amazing is that there is some vague line that separates "pets" from "food"... Did you know that pigs are generally more intelligent than most dogs? And, more than most preschoolers? Chickens have complicated social hierarchies? Cows grieve over the loss of their calves? Crows are frequently observed using tools? While, yes, it was just a cat, it was also a living being. I'm happy to see increased sensitivity towards the suffering of any and all living beings. I do what I can to avoid creating any more suffering in the world.
Soooooo... Basically... No-one has eaten the cat thrown in the trash... Yet... And it was reunited with it's obviously negligent owner that is jubilant that his feline isn't suffering anymore... op2:
My cat Purrdy went missing for 2 whole days this spring. When she came back and recovered from the ordeal, I put her on a leash and she led me to a neighbour's backyard door and tried to craw into a hole on it. It seemed like she was telling me that's where she was stuck for the last 2 days. I hope this was not done by that neighbour "on purpose"
Maybe she was fed up of clearing all its crap from her garden and thought she'd get revenge when nobody was looking - or so she thought!