I have a 2005 Prius trim level 5 I believe. When I got in the car this morning it started like normak, but as soon as I put the car in reverse a large red triangel appeared on the dash board with a exclamnation point in it (attached picture 1). Then in my data panel I got a yellow icon that is in the attached picture 2. What is this? I can't find it any where in the manuals. MAny thanks, Bryan
Looks like a headlight auto leveling system malfunction. There are some threads on this you may search. Good luck!
Thanks. This really helps. The icon is not to forthcoming with data about what it means. I'll check threads and see what I can find. Bryan
OK, a new issue. I found a good thread about re-setting the warning light using the Diagnostic connector. I found the diagnostic connector in my car and am major confused. It says to jump between the #4 and #8 jumper to get the warning light to re-set. I need a picture of the diagnostic connector showing which one is the #4 and which one is the #8 plus I need to know exactly how to jump them. I see a metal clip on the top and bottom of each terminal and I need to know exactly where to place the jumper. Any help is greatly appreciated. Bryan
I found File:OBD-connector-pinout.png - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia and Automobile Repair/Toyota/Prius - Wikibooks, collection of open-content textbooks on the web. Both gave the same pinout diagram but does not say which side (male/female) it is. So let's wait for other expert members. Sorry can't be more helpful.
This is great. If I can detect which side the key is on my car I can ID which side is 1-8. Of course, it's tough when you are upside down with a flashlight and a magnifying glass. The fact the picture shows a flat side and piece pointing out on the other, I need to see if I can identify that. I'll try looking it up tonight and see what comes from it. Thanks, Bryan :mod:
Last night I was not sure whether the diagrams refer to the "car side" or the "cable side" of the connector. Now I think of it they ought to be the "car side". Here is a picture of the connector I took before. Looks like the wide side is on the top. Good luck!
I'm thinking I had a dirty connection. Here is my story behind my theory: Friday and Saturday the error popped up. I did not get a chance to try the fix that I found. Sunday, I pulled my Prius out and washed and waxed it, nothing else. Monday moring I get in the car to go to work and Woo Hoo, no error light. I'm thinking that the wash removed some dirt from the unit and allowed it to complete it's needed contact. :cheer2: I'm sticking with that for now ( or until the error pops up again). Thanks for all your help.!!!!!!! Bryan