Picture is here: https://mich3ael.wordpress.com/2010/08/22/back-hatch-lock/ The locking device seems to be broken/stuck on our '05. The piece of metal that swings into place and hooks the metal loop on the back/bottom of the hatch does not seem to be moving. It is in "lock" mode even though the hatch is not closed. The car seems to think that the hatch is closed, as it is not giving us a "door open" alarm. The back door will shut but not lock close. (In fact, if I was to drive it, the hatch would bob up and down) Right now there is not a way to secure the hatch closed. It could be the lock is sticking, but it does NOT make a "click" noise like it wants to unlock but can't. It could be a case of the wire connection gone bad, which would explain the lock not doing anything when you hit the unlock button. Or it may be something else. Thoughts anyone, Bueller, Bueller? Cheers, Mi3ke
This solved the problem short trem. Thanks. Not sure what the underlying issue is though. But we can close the hatch. Cheers, Mi3ke
I would try using some lithium grease (white grease) on the latch, maybe it just needs some lubrication.
For several months leading up to our purchase 2005 March 31, I frequented Prius Chat and found a huge amount of help. We have passed the 11 year mark, low mileage for that many years (140,000) things go well. However, I notice that the rear hatch manual release is now very loose - gives a lot, to much that it appears about to break off. We use a bicycle rack the catches the far ahead top of the door and also clips beneath the door, which of course has to be closed and latched. I believe adding the bike rack and removing from time to time over months and years have contributed to this condition. It is now almost unbearable. Just opening the hatch to load or remove weekly groceries seems very chancy. This may lead me to move toward buying a new Prius (our second) around age 72. Thought of the V (wagon) - or the electric 2017 just being reviewed (on the side). Is this hatch closure something that can be tightened? Is it going to break, finally? We must be able to open and close as much as we wish and seem to be losing that.