I'm still thinking about buying a 2010 Prius. I'd like to know: Suppose I want to, in the morning, move the car from my usual parking spot to another area of the apt. building's parking lot until I leave for work later on. So I would back up a few feet, then slowly drive about 150 feet (at most) to another parking spot. When I press the Power button, does that automatically start the engine (ICE), or can I move the car all in EV mode?
Yes you can as long as your SOC is high enough (4+ bars). Also you can't go more than a few miles per hour. I do it all the time since we shuffle 4 cars in the garage and driveway and I'm always working on friend's cars in my garage.
The Prius has a mind of it's own and only Toyota knows what parameters govern EV mode. Don't expect EV to work in your Detroit winters.
One addition: You have to push the EV-button within the first couple seconds after starting the car. As soon as the ICE is running, it will not stop before working temperature is reached. Martin
As sgm0815 says, it may work if you hit the EV button a moment after starting the car. I'm in CT which has it's share of cold and I am able to back out of the garage/driveway on electric without incident, though as soon as I switch from Reverse to Drive, I accelerate sufficiently fast that the car forces me out of EV mode (which doesn't take much at all). On the non plug in version, EV mode is really more of a gimmick than a practical option. It works, just has too many limitations.
Also, I believe I read that you cannot have the rear defroster on when using the EV Mode. I assume because of the current draw against the batteries. -Sam
I wish the Prius had what I would call a driveway car wash mode. This morning I pulled the car out of the garage to wash it, the ICE came on. When done, I drove the car 50 feet back in to the garage. Seems ashamed for the engine to run in that situation. The temperature has in the mid 90's, so I was kind of surprised the engine came on. I thought the engine block magic temperature was around 78 degrees. In Detroit, the odds are that the engine will kick on.
Since you own a 2010 Prius, you DO have that mode, only it's called EV mode. But you must press the EV button within 3-5 seconds of pressing the power button...or else the engine warm-up sequence will start.
Start the car, press the EV button quickly, drive under 10mph (assuming the engine's cold) and then turn it off in your new position. This is assuming all other parameters are met - Battery SOC > 3 bars - Speed < 10mph - Engine coolant > 32F - Front defroster OFF The 2010's EV mode is a lot more restrictive than the Gen 2's EV mode (I was able to move our 2005 from one side to the other side of an automall completely in EV mode as long as I stayed under 34mph). E.g. the new top speed limit is 25mph vs. 34mph and even worse, it's 10mph if the engine's cold. This is strictly EV Drive mode. Of course you can drive in electric up to 43mph.
Keep in mind that even if the engine doesn't come on you didn't move the car for "free". All of the Prius' power comes from the gas engine. The next time you use the car the engine will have to replace the power you used to move the car in EV mode the previous time. When it comes to energy there is never a free lunch.
But on the other hand, running the car for 1 minute where the engine is doing nothing but warming itself and all the power comes from the battery anyway is particularly inefficient; you're better avoiding that first minute of runtime as often as possible. Even if the power didn't come from the battery during early warm-up, the engine is running inefficiently, and you'd be better off draining the battery a bit and filling it later when the engine is warmed up and you're taking a longer trip.
Yeah but moving it in and out of the garage doesn't use much. We're not asking to drive down the street in EV mode. Just very short distances like moving to a different parking spot or in/out of the garage. This is where we can get an advantage over a standard vehicle.
I don't know if it's a UK thing but with 4-6 bars SOC, pressing the EV button as soon as the ready light and beep comes on, I can travel nearly 1 mile, up to 19mph, on EV from a cold start. Why a 19mph threshold applies I've no idea. Once the ICE has been on and warmed up and the battery recharged, I can travel up 25mph in EV.
The 10mph limit is a NA thing. Japan gets a higher "cold start" limit as well as a higher top speed limit.
I like what macman408 said--I'm better off draining the battery a bit (moving from one parking spot to another) & filling it later when the engine is warmed up. But the info from Kithmo is really interesting: Why do UK Prius drivers get to travel nearly 1 mile in EV mode, & as fast as about 19mph, whereas we North Americans are limited to 10mph max. and ___distance?
There must be additional restrictions or timing windows. Mine consistently flashes "EV Mode Unavailable" when backing out of the garage in the morning. SOC 6 bars, car not yet rolling, defroster and all climate control off, and coolant temperature 64F this morning (ScanGauge fWT). It DID function as expected during yesterday's evening commute, with coolant at 75F. It canceled out due to "excessive speed" at about 11 mph at that temperature, at 26 mph after full warmup, and for "excessive acceleration" when starting uphill from a stop.
Distance is the same. It's only the two speed thresholds that are different. Might wanna ask the EPA about the limits. Interesting. I do get that a lot more often in the Gen 3 compared to the Gen 2 (and I can do 55km/h with a stone cold engine if I wanted to in the Gen 2). I do noticed that I can't get into EV Drive Mode once the engine's warmed up. Did you press it before the engine fired up for its warm up cycle? The 10mph is really really annoying I must say... (that and the super restrictive computer).
Yes for most tries, though I've tried a few after also. All cold attempts at home have been unsuccessful. I gave up on EV mode very early, but now will start exploring it again. Tomorrow's commute home will be after a longer cool-down, so maybe I can start getting finer resolution on any temperature sensitivity.
Hmm very weird. I don't use EV Drive Mode very often (even on the Gen 2). It's mostly for moving in/out of the garage or re-positioning the car in terms of cold engine starts. I use it from time to time on the move if I know a certain part of the commute should and can be done with the engine off (usually gliding) and then releasing it afterwards.
SWMBO's Gen 2 can go up to 25mph from cold in EV mode. Not sure about the distance though, will ask her to check it next time she drives more than 1/2 a mile.