I think about the production of the exclusive PriusChat 2011 calendar. Before I start to invest money and time I'd like to know your opinion about that, so I can calculate costs (with a zero sum game in mind) a little bit more precisely. I prepared a small questionare on google to know about the potential quantity, preferences, price sensitivity and so on. If you are interested, please fill in. No personal data taken. There will be 2 production options. The HiRes PDF copy delivered via unique URL and the printed version - full color, 14 pages, A3 size, wall mounted. The calendar's theme and actors will be Prius 2010 (surprisingly), together with girl(s) (next surprise) and the nature. The content will be made by a professional photographer. This is my current idea. There is also an option to make it available via PC shop as a sponsorship of our discussion server. Please stop by the https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dGhNZGw0YjRZeFFZcmZuRDY1YV9lYXc6MQ. The form will be available for next 2-3 weeks, after that the decision should be made.
I do not know too many people that hang up a calendar anymore. The digital age has made them obsolete.
I don't know about wall calendars being obsolete... I own an iPad & an iPhone and use iCal regularly; yet, I still like hanging a wall calendar in my office for the all too common quick-look-up-from-desk reference. The art work adds a bit of color splash too. PaJa -- Speaking of art work, I'll add my $.02 on your proposed theme: You might want to keep in mind that not all of us are men (and, among the guys, not everybody's heterosexual, for that matter) who want a calendar full of girls. The girl thing would be a definite deal-breaker for me. Nature, on the other hand, would be great. You might just sell more calendars if they didn't appeal to only one group of people. Bottom line: Good idea, but keep it neutral!
It could be fun to have the calendar be populated with a sort of "Who's Who" from the Prius Chat site, rather than random beautiful people with Prii.
All opinions are welcome. Ad user's photo - To make a good quality print we need a high quality photos, preferably in RAW form. The demography of PriusChat citizens will be interesting - location, sex (no sexuality), age. Somebody told me - Prius is for girls, gays and retired .
So are you calling for owner photos? If so, here is an entry for Dec or even Oct if you live in far North.
First of all, calendars are not obsolete. People still like a place or board where they can physically write a reminder down, or circle a date in red pen...or simply have an excuse to hang up 12 posters of bikini clad women or kittens frolicking in pumpkins. Hmm...I don't know if I'd be motivated enough to actually want to purchase a Prius Chat calendar. I mean, I love Prius, like Prius Chat, but is it enough for me to want a Calendar? Maybe if you added fictional Hybrid, Prius induced holidays randomly through the year. Like "Pulse and Glide Eve" or "Bell the Hybrid Week". How about Tire PSI Fridays? Prius is for Girls, Gays or Retired?- Wow, finally an advertising slogan I like less than Harmony between Man, Nature and Machine...
I closed the poll. There was just 23 potential buyers during the 14 days period. It is too small number to produce something serious at reasonable costs. Thanks to all, who took a time and participed.
this was the first I saw of it. I like wall calendars, what would have been cool is to have high mileage tips and tricks. oh well, what might have been.
This was my first time seeing it as well. I know that when you look at the pictures in the photo thread we have some very very talented photographers and possibly some that are professional. I would love to see something by Prius Chat folks. I would gladly pay for a hard copy but would prefer it be under 20.00.