Please .. I'm about to start on a trip. New prius .. have skimmed manuals and tried, but can't get the nav system to NOT have a destination. How do I tell it to stop giving me directions?
On my 2nd gen, I'd push the talk/voice recognition button and say "suspend guidance". Others say "delete destination" instead.
I have not tried the voice commands but I normally press the DEST button and then hit DELETE DESTINATION as indicated above.
I use "Pause guidance." Never tried 'suspend' instead, so I'm not sure if that's different between GenII and GenIII, or if both work.
I have also tried, unsuccessfully, the following phrases: 1) "Alright, ALRIGHT! Enough, will you. I'm just stopping for gas." 2) "SHUT THE F*** UP!" 3) "Give me a break, you nagging piece of sh*t." 4) "Wait. WAIT! That's not where I want to go!" 5) "I thought we were supposed to be going North?" Tom
It is no wonder that so many complain about the Prius NAV system. No one reads the manual!! Read it ... and discover it is a pretty good system.
Not sure why you are being given directions if you haven't set a destination, but one easy thing to do is go to set-up (where you can set the voice guidance volume) and turn OFF the voice.
Let me see 500 and some odd pages of the Prius regular manual plus another 338 for the navigation system. And we're supposed to remember all this???? That's why they have forums and chat sites. Cut us a little slack here.