There has been a lot of hate lately. Too much hate. People are hating each other because of their race, religion, sexual preference, etc. etc. I say it's time to stop. OK, I know we're only human. Humans NEED somebody to hate. So I propose a group together everybody - white, black, brown, yellow; Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Atheist, etc.; gay, straight, bi- or a-sexual; young or old, male or female, liberal or conservative... somebody we can all band together to hate. I am, of course, referring to Juggalos. Why hate Juggalos? Well, just watch this if you haven't seen it yet and feel the hate rising in you (Warning: NSFW): [ame=]YouTube - Insane Clown Posse - Miracles[/ame]
I'm not necessarily sure there is more hate, but the internet definitely amplifies it. It's NOT like meeting in person where there is more feedback and a chance to tweak communication to avoid misunderstandings It's often very diverse with some assuming their POV is common or the majority Trollers intentionally flame Many think it's OK to do on the net you would never think of doing in person. That's the main problem of the internet. I just don't think things would be as heated in a face-to-face setting.
The word "hate" is so overused for trivial annoyance that it has become meaningless. All it means is now is "Someone who got the speakers panties in a knot." But, keeping with the theme, so you won't go hating on me and with apologies to Pastor Martin Niemöller
LOL, as soon as my little guy ages out of Early Intervention, he has CP, we're so out of NYC. Kids need someplace they can play and be kids.
there are some nice residential neighborhoods in brooklyn, a lot of people move to jersey, but i see your point. i take it you're not from there?
that's true, my daughter paid $1500./mo. for a 800 sq ft flat on 7th, but it got even worse when she moved to the east village and now pays $1650. for a 400 ft 6th floor walk up!
because we need "struggles" to feel we're "alive" otherwise we would all commit suicide from boredom. isn't life fun?