Unless you happen to be in Saudi Arabia.Where you would go to prison for many years,for the possession or consumption of alcohol. There wont be any Muslim "Beer Summit" anytime soon.
We could hold a beer summit in Turkey, they even have a couple of decent beers of their own although I prefer their wine and Raki.
So perhaps you're suggesting rounding up all Muslims and sending them to concentration camp. It worked for the Japanese Americans, None of them terrorized anyone during that time.
which group is the most destructive? lives and property lost? ready......go! <double click excel icon> you can have ten acts of terrorisn that kill a total of 10 people or have one act of terrorisn that kills 3,000 and destroys buildings. remind me not to go to spain
Is anything else being constructed on the former World Trade Center site? So after nine years, nothing else is being built on that site but this "molusk?" Personally I think the owners of the property should offer it 'for sale', say with a 50% mark-up. Let those against the mosque 'put their money where their mouths are.' Let them buy shares in a company that will buy the property. With the extra money, the civic center and prayer room group can find another site that they can afford. <grins> Really, this is a bunch of nonsense. The civic center is where a landing gear burst into a Burlington Coat Factory. If others think it is 'hallowed ground,' let them bring their funds out and buy it. Bob Wilson
Unless you're in a hotel owned by the crown prince! I was there, many years ago, being ignorant of their holy war against consuming alcohol, holding a beer in the lobby with my friends, walked a few step towards the main door. The door man immediately stopped me politely and explained to me that I can't even get close to the door in case anybody saw me holding a beer from outside. I'd be put in jail right away. So this law against alcohol consumption is only for peasants, nobles exempted. Holy whatever, what a load of BS.
It isn't even at ground zero for crying out loud. Calling it "the mosque at ground zero" is part of the orchestrated BS campaign perpetuated by the islamaphobic right wing! Read and understand the facts before you judge whether or not something should or should not be "allowed"!
I like your specially chosen time period 1980 - 2005. Why not 1990 - 2005 or 2000-2005? Agh, is that because that includes recent history where Islamic terrorists have been more prevalent? Talking of European terrorists, the IRA especially. At least they would ring up (in 9 out of 10 times) and tell you where the bomb was placed giving just enough time for innocent people to be moved from the area and only buildings were damaged. They lost their way in the Omagh bombing by not calling beforehand [ame=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Omagh_bombing]Omagh bombing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]. The huge public outcry on both sides being a cause of the resultant peace process.
i wonder how the British would feel if Muslims wanted to put plaques in the subway honoring the terrorists? [ame]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/7_July_2005_London_bombings[/ame]
I worked with the figures the FBI had. They had 1980 - 2005. Hey, why not just the past five years? Number of Islamic terrorist attacks? 0.
I'm not sure, but I think there's a teeny-tiny little difference between building a cultural center several blocks from ground zero and putting up a plaque honoring the 9/11 attackers. So, comparing apples with apples, let's take a look: [ame="http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&rlz=&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=london+mosque&fb=1&gl=us&hq=mosque&hnear=London,+UK&view=text&ei=kedvTPrRFcL48AagtaSDDQ&sa=X&oi=local_group&ct=more-results&resnum=1&ved=0CCoQtQMwAA"]Mosques in London[/ame], most, if not all, I assume readily accessible by the London Underground.
^^^^^^^ so, what you're showing me is that they put most of their mosques in certain locations so they can facilate terrorism?
So did you get that from one of your many, many,, many news sources? What about your man Reid? Is he part of the conspiracy?