Howdy to DC/Northern VA

Discussion in 'Local Prius Club Main Forum' started by Spunky, Oct 9, 2005.

  1. Spunky

    Spunky New Member

    Aug 12, 2005
    We don't pass many Pria on the roads in our vicinity so when we do, I tend to wave and smile. The other owners grin and wave back.

    Visited an uncle in Annandale last Friday and took him touring in our Prius to DC. On the way back into VA, on Rt. 495, noticed another Prius, a blue, in the regular traffic lane next to us. I gave the usual wave but the driver didn't respond. Harumph! How unfriendly.

    Saw another Prius, in the HOV lane, two over. It was a Salsa Red, just like our Foxy. I started waving but then noticed not just one other red but two! A total of four (incuding ours) Salsa Pria squirming through traffic at once. Wow!

    Counted over twenty Pria in a distance of maybe five miles, within twenty minutes.

    Sorry if that was you, being gaped at by a bumpkin in the red Prius when you were trying to get home on Friday.

    Maybe that was a taste of the near future, driving amongest all those hybrids.
  2. Bill Merchant

    Bill Merchant absit invidia

    May 3, 2005
    USA | Oregon | Portland area | 97004 |
    2007 Prius
    And people say government regulation has no effect on the free market...

    You're from Chesapeake Bay, Maryland, I bet. Virginia says Prii can drive in the HOV lanes there on 495, 395, and 95. Abra cadabra-- Lots of Prii.

    With more and more prii on the road, I see less and less waving :(
  3. heavenleigh

    heavenleigh New Member

    Sep 2, 2005
    Here in DC there are TONS of Priuses...we went to Dulles (from MD) on Saturday, saw 2 silvers in a row, then another Red (I drive a salsa), and two blues. Every day on the way to work I pass 2 blues and another red, there are 4 priuses in the first two rows of our parking lot at work. Though they are allowed on the HOV lanes on I-95 in VA for now (should end early next year and never was in MD, and there are no HOVs on 495--my boss bought a HCH to use them), there are so many other people around here who bought the Prius because of its good mileage (or perhaps its greenness). I never use the HOVs, and I still had to have my Salsa!

    There was supposed to be a DC/NOVA meet up this coming weekend, but the post disappeared on the 8th, and no one had really comitted to showing up. Hopefully we can get something together sometime soon!
  4. heavenleigh

    heavenleigh New Member

    Sep 2, 2005
    I think you're right...I've only had my Prius for a few months and am not really a big waver (maybe because I've never been waved at), but it seems like so many people around here have Prii and don't appreciate them :( Its such a fantasic machine, I don't see how you can't be incredibly enthusiastic about it if you are lucky enough to have one, but they just seem to see it as any old car. *tear* :mellow: