Question: counting from the day you took delivery of your new Prius, how many days did it take before you actually got the NYS Hybrid stickers that allow you to drive SINGLE occupancy on the HOV lanes? thanks in advance!
I'm assuming the 1 week you are referring to is AFTER you have received your PERMANENT registration... If it's only a week after you've received it that's good news! How long was the HOLD time when you called into the HOTLINE... I'm planning on calling at 7:59am hopefully it won't be too long of a wait...
From my understanding, the HOV sticker is only valid on the Long Island Expressway. Since I don't drive much on there (more on SI Expressway), I didn't bother applying for one. Does the HOV sticker give access for you to drive anywhere in NY City/State on the HOV lanes?!?
Yeah, you have to call them just before 8am or you'll never get them the rest of the day- don't even bother waiting on hold- cause it disconnects you after 30 min anyway. I finally got through on a Thursday morning at 8am sharp- a very nice lady told me they ship out the stickers once per week (on Mondays)- got my stickers in the mail that next Friday. That was over a month ago- I still haven't put them on the car yet as I hate how they look and I commute from mid Suffolk to the east end- so I only have one exit worth of HOV lane to travel before it ends or I get off the LIE every day. I'm saving them for the one time I have to drive to JFK or whatever...
Not on the 59th street bridge neither midtown tunnel !! (not alone anyway) I was stopped once but I geniunly did not know car was just about 1 month old, so traffic cop just let me go ... but she said this is a State thing and City doesn't follow it... So I have it on my car and used it 2 times on LIE in about three years .... I live on south shore so daily commute doesn't include LIE :-(
i was thinking about getting them, and keeping them in the glove box. I'd hate to put 1, let alone 4 stickers on my paint job.
That will give you a ticket ... it must be displayed the way it is described !!! They are doing automated camera checks .. basically patrol car driving around with cameras and detecting those and reading them !!! And you get the ticket in the mail system.... like red light cameras !!! Having the sticker in your glove box will NOT work. It is only valid after you affixed them to your car ... they checking the number against the registration. That also MUST match ... in other words you need new stickers if you change the registration/license plate on the car !!! It is not the car !!! (VIN number ) thing.
my personal issue is that my ride to work is Up/Down the 135, and I never get the opportunity to ride on the LIE during the legal times. as for the "Cameras" on the police cars. what you are seeing on the tops and trunks of most police cars is called ANPR, or Automatic Number Plate Recognition. its a technology that uses reflection and lighting techniques to grab license plate numbers at very fast speeds, and then use the onboard computer in the patrol car to "run the plate" at very fast speeds. great for finding people who let their registration lapse, or finding stolen vehicles. it ONLY reads license plates and only works due to the reflection properties of NYS license plates. the numbers on the stickers are far too small to be scanned at speed. not to dispute the letter of the law, which does say to have 4 stickers on the lower part of the car. i'm just not thrilled about putting a sticker on my new paint job. PIPS Technology - The most advanced license plate recognition systems in the world.
Off topic a little. Be sure to use the green color E-Z pass not white in NJ. Off peak hours discounts. 10% better than nothing.
Suite yourself .... they ticket on the base of those recorded videos ... I do not know if they can or can not read the sticker but if it is not there there is just good for the police ... I think you UNDER estimate what they can read from those cameras .... You will lose the ticket if you go to court. I am just saying ... I have no proof other than I know they just play the video in court showing the car license plate and the car image .... DOESN't matter you applied and received the sticker .... they win all cases by the recorded video .... judge MAY say OK you had the sticker but not the time to put it on ... but no next time .. up to you of course .. I do not regularly drive on LIE anyway .... :cheer2: