So I had a flat tire yesterday from driving on a road than is in worse condition than a road from 100 A.D. This car is less than 6 months old, stock Yokoma tires. The gas station mechanic "plugged" the hole in the rear left tire and all was fine (I'm pretty sure he filled it up with the PSI level not matching Toyota recommended values). Anyways, this morning...I get ready for work and TPMS sensor turns on. I take it back to the gas station because the front left tire looks a little flat. The mechanic checked it for holes (by putting it in a water basin to figure out where the leak is) and found no holes. He said that sometimes if the four tires have different PSI levels...the TPMS sensor can come on. So he balanced the PSI levels but the TPMS sensor is still lit. Then he said that you have to drive it around for a while and it will turn off? Also, he removed the front tire (to do the water basin test) and after he put it back on....I got squealing from my front left brakes (only on sudden stops) went away though. Also, when he was jacking the front left tire....the rear left side of the car was creaking...not sure if it was the rear tire OR the rear suspension.
There is a TPMS reset button under the dash, about at the center of the steering wheel. Try resetting it and see if it comes back on. The creaking you heard is probably the rear suspension, it made up of torsion bars not springs!
Make sure all four tires are at the correct pressure, then reset the TPMS by pressing the button under the steering wheel. Detailed instructions are in the manual. Tom
Do you know why the left front brakes started squealing after the mechanic put on the tire (it stopped after about 5 miles)? Was it because the lug nuts were too tight?
I just tried to reset the TPMS sensor, it won't reset. I powered the car on, press and held the TPMS and it started blinking....after about 2 blinks or so, it disappeared and then came back right after. I powered it off and then powered it back on, and the TPMS sensor is still lit. All the tires have air....I'm not sure if they have the same PSI levels. Can different PSI levels in the tires OR exceeding the toyota recommended values cause the TPMS sensor to show?
Mismatched PSI could set it off. I would check pressure first, make sure they are consistent and try the reset procedure again. If it still does not reset, take it to the dealer and have them fix it!
Ok, I get my pressure gauge and pump tomorrow. What should the front and rear pressure be for a Prius 2010 stock Yokoma tires (I don't know the specific model...whatever Yokoma tires that stock Prius comes with). Just note that I go over A LOT of bumps (very poorly maintained roads).
If I understand correctly, the TPMS is located on the "wheel disc" and not the tire itself? The only thing the mechanic did was take out the tire and put it back on (however, the tire was resting sideways on the disc while he went to get a tool) I doubt he damaged the sensor. Right now, when I get in the feels like the right side is more inclined than the left side...I think the rear right tire has too much PSI. I will adjust it tomorrow but I need to know the recommended PSI levels for front and rear Yokoma stock tires?
Open the drivers door and look on the door jamb for the tire pressure label. Recommended pressure varies by tire size, but not by brand.
Thanks, So tomorrow....I will balance the PSI in all four tires, reset the TPMS switch. If it does not work, I will take it to the dealership. Do you know if the dealership will replace (warranty) a tire that has been plugged that has only 2200miles on it?
Just found this article: TPMS: Tire Pressure Monitoring System So if the TPMS light doesn't means it's a pressure problem...if it flashes, the TPMS sensor is faulty.
I just powered the prius on and the TPMS disappeared. However, I still hear noises from the rear...I think it might be the rod inserted into the tire OR the tire has too much pressure (can't check till tonight). Also, when turning, I hear a new noise...a "squish" noise (not sure if this is caused by the seat) AND the back rattles (rear window area) when going over a bump....this NEVER happened I'm guessing it's caused by the PSI. My brand new no problem Prius has been ruined!
Read your tire warranty papers that were given to you when you bought the car. A normal tire warranty won't cover a tire that was driven on for a mile while while it was flat, and yes, it is easy to tell if a tire was driven on when flat. You ruined the tire by driving on it while it was flat, man up and pay for a new tire.
If I buy a new tire, does it have to be the same brand? Do you recommend buying and installing at the dealership?
It should be the same brand and model of tire. Sometimes you can't do that and just have to live with something else. But, as new as your car is, you should be able to get a matching tire. Be aware that if your Toyota dealer or a tire dealer doesn't have your brand of tire in stock, they will try to sell you another brand. The make and model of you tire will be on the side of the tire. If you have any doubts about which is which, post what you see here and someone will be able to decipher it for you. A major reputable tire dealer would be as good as or better than the dealer, and usually less expensive. IIRC, you said you are in DC. Maybe someone will have a recommendation for you. You tire was most likely seriously damage when you drove on it flat. If the tire repair guy didn't take the tire off the wheel and look inside it, he couldn't tell what condition it is in.
But if I did any serious damage, why is it still working (including the TPMS sensor)? The roads here are brutal...if there was any side wall damage...wouldn't it have already gone?
Running a tire while it is flat damages the cords and rubber in the tire, you might be able to run years on a damaged tire or it might leak or blow out on you the first day your drive it. Depends on how lucky you are and how bad the tire was damages. A tire tech can make a pretty good judgment of a tires condition by looking at the inside of the tire. The rubber looks different if it has been abused and the cords are closer to the surface on the inside.